another help with current cycle plz


New member
Hi, I came across a your post - and a suggested cycle. I was wondering if someone might give me their opinion on how I'm cycling now and what my intentions are. I'll try to give you info that might help here.

I'm 54 and have been doing 4-12 week cycles of various compounds (all of them except dbol and var) for the last 20 years. I have lapses though, as long as 1 to 2 years of not going to the gym then starting up again.

So, the last time I've run a cycle was 1 year ago. I weigh 185 lbs and have 22 percent body fat. I'm flabby all in the stomach area, and am sensitive to gyno.

Yesterday I started a strict diet, and 6 weeks ago I started up again lifting.

For the past 6 weeks I'be been on:

Test ETH 500mg per week
Test prop 200 mg per week.

My gear is good, and my balls are shrunk, acne etc.,

I train MODERATLEY 3x per week. I say moderatley because I do not have much of a strength gain, and my recovery takes longer.

I have on hand:

the prop and eth, but recently got

anavar - oral liquid
aromasin - oral liquid
10 ml masteron
10 ml npp
10 ml NPP/TEST 100 mg

My goal is to lean out and harden up.

I am thinking of coninuing the test eth 500 mg a week and prop 200 mg per week
and adding
50mg anavar ed
25 mg aromasin eod
NPP 200 mg per week

My issues:
The 10ml masteron seems useless to me becuuse it's only 10 ml and Im too fat.
And, I'm full of jabs, and there is some pip.
I pin glutes and, tris and shoulders.
I could never seem to pin quads, I walk crippled.
Why so little NPP? Running out of space on glutes.

So, having said all that what's your opinion? or critique? Thx in advance.
You have been cycling for the past 20 years and you are only 185 pounds and 22% body fat? Do you pay attention to your diet?
You have been cycling for the past 20 years and you are only 185 pounds and 22% body fat? Do you pay attention to your diet?

Can't be right...op you sure about your BF%? I'm a big boy at 225 who has a bad diet and even I am at 20%
You have been cycling for the past 20 years and you are only 185 pounds and 22% body fat? Do you pay attention to your diet?

No, I have let it all go. Basically, when I turned 53 I made up my mind that I'm basically done, that the previous year was my last "hurrah". And, I gave it everything, I looked great, the work involved paid off. Now whats left is a somewhat of a "frame" of what I was - almost muscle memory, my form is returning, but basically form under fat. I can do it again and am up for it, for as long as 12 weeks or more if necessary. Diet is spot on now, and I've increased cardio.
Can't be right...op you sure about your BF%? I'm a big boy at 225 who has a bad diet and even I am at 20%

You could be right, I have not measured. I compare my bf to other guys in the gym who have measured. I'm a 34 waist, perhaps I'm not that fat. Regardless, the only way I looked leaned and cut, no love handles, was at 177. And, that was at the end of a tren included cycle. Nice V shape held it together. I was a 31 waist at 177.
You could be right, I have not measured. I compare my bf to other guys in the gym who have measured. I'm a 34 waist, perhaps I'm not that fat. Regardless, the only way I looked leaned and cut, no love handles, was at 177. And, that was at the end of a tren included cycle. Nice V shape held it together. I was a 31 waist at 177.

Best way to measure is by looking at you. Ask a few trainers who are knowledgeable what your bf% is. Or post a pic and we can estimate it very well.
Tough to tell there man. A better pic would help. As far as the gyno Megatron mentioned I think you have a little but that pic is not very good so I can't tell. Your arms look like the arms of someone of 15% but you have a gut in that pic. That picture is not good for bf% judgement. Based on that pic I would say from 16-22% based on picture quality tough to be more accurate
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Tough to tell there man. A better pic would help. As far as the gyno Megatron mentioned I think you have a little but that pic is not very good so I can't tell. Your arms look like the arms of someone of 15% but you have a gut in that pic. That picture is not good for bf% judgement. Based on that pic I would say from 16-22% based on picture quality tough to be more accurate

Thanks, nah it's ok. I know about the lumpiness. I wouldn't be able to afford the surgery. It came on suddenly - in 2010, my wife was laying her head on my chest and I said ow! That's when I freaked out. And that was 2 years AFTER a cycle with no PCT and no proviron while on. I'll tell you the only way to get that down is dropping weight, and LOTS of inclines and declines. Building up of top part of pecs helps it look smaller. And, at this stage, even with aromasin, it's not reversible.

Anyway, that's the best I could do with the pic, Guys, any further help would be appreciated because I want to look decent end of spring : )
Thanks, nah it's ok. I know about the lumpiness. I wouldn't be able to afford the surgery. It came on suddenly - in 2010, my wife was laying her head on my chest and I said ow! That's when I freaked out. And that was 2 years AFTER a cycle with no PCT and no proviron while on. I'll tell you the only way to get that down is dropping weight, and LOTS of inclines and declines. Building up of top part of pecs helps it look smaller. And, at this stage, even with aromasin, it's not reversible.

Anyway, that's the best I could do with the pic, Guys, any further help would be appreciated because I want to look decent end of spring : )

Have you tried Raloxifene for the gyno?
I'lll get some Nolvadex. Ive used it before, too sparingly and not long enough to be sure if it worked. Though it is supposed to reduce breast volume.

Nolva will work. Ralox would work slightly better. You can get both from RUI. You should get some bloodwork before starting either as well and see where your e2's sitting.
Wow, I'm sorry to disappoint you with my opinion, but this is it.

I think you are dependent on AAS to get what you want to accomplish and I think you will never reach your goals with using all these compounds. As was said DIET, diet. More training, harder training considering your age, I'm 63 yrs.

Through in some aerobics. In short get yourself on some Test E. some Var or some Mast at high dose. Using an AI and PCT protocol. Your diet needs to ON POINT.

Read what Meg put up and check out your Gyno. Get blood work and see where you are at. Way too much BF%
you may consider a low dose of test only and a shit ton of cardio and proper diet. Aside from that, you don't have enough gear to run a proper cycle.