Anti Es during a cycle?


Community Veteran
This one is for you Billy, can you please post your theories and practice?

I've come across someone else who also seems to think there is no reason for estrogen during a cycle, but I'd like to hear some real science behind it, and you are the man.... :afro:
well i may not be billy but heres how i see it from a technical aspect.

When you are training naturally you grow with a balance of testosterone and estrogen, so while on cycle you are elevating the testosterone while leaving the estrogen at the same level it was, this throws the body out of homeostasis hormonally and thus to correct this your body will produce more estrogen. Now, by doing so you may begin to see the side effects of elevated estrogen levels *this may not occur in which case you are less sensitive to estrogen, a good thing* However Estrogen is nessacary for growth as it helps us to retain water and other delightful properties.

Anti-e's inhibit the bodies ability to produce excessive estrogen thru the two means most people know, Aromatase Inhabitation and Estrogen Receptor Binding/antagonism. The reason we do this is so the body does not produce MORE estrogen then testosterone and by letting testosterone in the majority to do what it needs which leads to more protein synthesis,etc and thus more growth.

It is my opinion that if you were to completely block out estrogen as a whole instead of neutralize excessive estrogen you would be inhibiting growth because without the combination of the two hormones growth is limited.

The way in which you use Anti-e's is entirely up to how your body responds to excessive estrogen, if you have had signs of gyno before and needed nolvadex to calm it down then it might be a good idea to run Arimidex or Femara or Aromasin. .5mg ed seems to be popular for Armidex, 2.5mg ed of Femara and 25mg of Aromasin every 3-5 days. If you have never had problems with estrogen in the past then these may not be required at all in which case having Nolvadex on hand is all that would be nessacary..

Cliff notes: Test is great but estrogen is nessacary in some amount.
I have no gyno problems.

One thing that I wonder though, is it even possible to block estrogen completely/to a large degree, without the body just trying to keep upping the ante? In other words, since the body will do what it can to obtain balance in every aspect of life, I can see blocking over the short term but not the long term, I dont understand how it would work.
blocking entirely is possible but is completely not healthy, your hair would fall out, you would get dehydrated easily, your skin would harden and your nails would be britle and or fall out.
hmmmm, not gonna touch this one.........the way i see it, if youve never had a gyno problem, you dont need anti e's (but of course keep em on hand in case a problem occurs) not the answer your looking for, but i just kept typing........sorry
Here are some of my quick thoughts. Im in admist writing some detailed work up on it, so Ill leave ya hangin for that....

1) Total or low enough estrogen is not going to happen unless your a jackass with your doses. Ex 30pg/dl E2 pre-cycle, then 1000mg level 200pg/dl. Say we take 25mg Aromasin ED, that will bring us to a theortical of oh say 50pg/dl...sufficeint.

2) Nolva. I take it, I dont care if it reduced my igf by 20% big deal. Im on a gram or two of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) so oh well. It helps out the cholesterol levels and helps even more against gyno.

IMO 25mg Aromasin = 2mg ARi = 3.75mg Let

Aromasin is special. It can be taken up to E3D since the effects are permanent (suicidal inhibition).

I dont like Let at all. It increases aromatic protien enzymes, which means when you come off it you have more estrogen converting that when you started...not good, but maybe if you follow up with nolva.

My guidline


<500mg/wk 25mg Aroma E3D + 10mg Nolva
<750mg/wk 25mg Aroma EOD + 10mg Nolva
<1000mg/wk 25mg ARoma ED + 10mg Nolva

Thats just my staple. I dont like being fat and bloated. I would rather be healthy than high BP, gyno, bloated etc.
Billy_Bathgate said:
My guidline


<500mg/wk 25mg Aroma E3D + 10mg Nolva
<750mg/wk 25mg Aroma EOD + 10mg Nolva
<1000mg/wk 25mg ARoma ED + 10mg Nolva

Thats just my staple. I dont like being fat and bloated. I would rather be healthy than high BP, gyno, bloated etc.

dont you mean
<or=500mg/wk 25mg Aroma E3D + 10mg Nolva
<or=750mg/wk 25mg Aroma EOD + 10mg Nolva
<or=1000mg/wk 25mg ARoma ED + 10mg Nolva

or am i misreading?
yes i believe the 10mg Nolva is ED as he is using it and much for estrogen supression as for Lipid level control...i could be wrong.
Thanks "Billy", I'll study that over a few times, try to look up info on Arom since I know nothing of it, and hope to see your formal doc soon.