anti estrogen during cycle?

Oh god. Is this your first cycle? Do research before you start using gear! I don't understand what's so hard about how the system works. There's tons of useful information on these fourms that can be found by a simple search
no this isnt my first cycle but for some reason the guy i was getting it of of never sggested it. but im not getting the results i should and i think that may be why,
No that's not y. An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) regulates your estrogen. What are your stats? The reason your guy isn't saying anything about an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) cuz you probably don't have high estro cuz your gear is bunk. Or your not eating enough
you do not start a cycle with out AI........ Why would you take a chance. You spend all that cash on gear and for a few more bucks you can get your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and not have to worry.... I think this is the 5 post that someone is having a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) issue this morning...... Guys ITS NOT THAT HARD !!!!!!
Exactly. I don't understand why people can't read about shit. It's really not hard at all. My opinion is if you don't know how the system works you shouldn't use gear
I think instead of 50 posts they need to set up somehow that you have to prove you read all stickys and questionare before postin or pm
I think instead of 50 posts they need to set up somehow that you have to prove you read all stickys and questionare before postin or pm

The noob gear quiz. You have to at least understand the basics and pass the quiz before posting. This really would be a great idea Balboa. Would keep the stupid questions WAY down.

...although I can't say I haven't been guilty of that. But if there was a simple membership quiz in place I would have researched more on my own in the beginning instead of asking those questions.

Membership Quiz? Yes/No?
click on RUI or GreatWhitePeptides banners. They're having good sales and have what you need at a reasonable price. Better safe than sorry man. Google Adex, Nolva, and Clomid or review the posts on Ology. You'll get the answers you want.
Oh god. Is this your first cycle? Do research before you start using gear! I don't understand what's so hard about how the system works. There's tons of useful information on these fourms that can be found by a simple search

this will need an A.I and anti prolactin like caber
so many young kids jumping into major cycles, stacking multiple drugs then asking questions later. fucking scary.