anti-estrogen question


New member
Sorry if I put this in the wrong forum. I didn't really know where to put it.

Ok well I've been lifting for about a year and half now and I'm a lot stronger than I was and I don't consider myself a gym idiot. I don't know anything about steroids or anti-estrogens though other than the few posts I've read here. I've got a question about anti-estrogens. I've had slight gyno where my nips stick out through all of my shirts and it is kind of embarassing. Would an anti-estrogen get rid of this?
how old are you? i got the same thing and im 20...but if your younger yours might actually go away(if your lucky)
It could.

NOlcadex or letro are the two chems that are easily available to treat re-existing gyno.

Post this question in the steroid section and you'll likely get some additional clarification.