Any advice on building up your neck?


New member
This is probably my most self conscious part of my body, the neck.

I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions to work it in the gym. Right now all I got is shrugs and that just isn't cutting it, but I want my neck bigger so I can start working on a cut.

DEADLIFTS!!! Heavy ass deadlifts, shrugs, power shrugs, and look up Wrestlers Bridge Progressions.
How heavy are your shrugs? I have found that if you're not struggling to do 10 reps with the weight, it's not enough to make those traps grow. If you have access to a smith machine, this makes it much easier as you won't have to lift the weight all the way from the ground and have safety stops in case of fatigue. It makes baby jesus cry every time I see kids tossing 135lbs up on the smith machine to do this and pop out 25 reps, which is a total waste in my opinion. (Unless you have issues with 135 for 10 reps x 4 sets)

My .02c :)
How heavy are your shrugs? I have found that if you're not struggling to do 10 reps with the weight, it's not enough to make those traps grow. If you have access to a smith machine, this makes it much easier as you won't have to lift the weight all the way from the ground and have safety stops in case of fatigue. It makes baby jesus cry every time I see kids tossing 135lbs up on the smith machine to do this and pop out 25 reps, which is a total waste in my opinion. (Unless you have issues with 135 for 10 reps x 4 sets)

My .02c :)

I do dumbbells and my set is currently 70, 75, 80 (in each hand). I do about 10 sets and my arms feel like they will fall off so that should be good haha.
G-Force Neck Building Routine {Start of one day a week}
Lying Isometric Neck Flexion
2 x 60 Secs

Neck Harness Extension
2 - 5 x 20 Reps

Neck Harness Flexions
2 - 5 x 20 Reps

Neck Harness Forward Hold
1 - 3 x 120 Secs

Neck Harness Backward Hold
1 - 3 x 120 Secs

"20-60 reps three times per week. Build this up until you’re doing 100 reps per day"
I do dumbbells and my set is currently 70, 75, 80 (in each hand). I do about 10 sets and my arms feel like they will fall off so that should be good haha.
You should try with barbell if you can and see if it makes a difference for you. Deads are AMAZING, but heavy shrugs just make them pop imo.
G-Force Neck Building Routine {Start of one day a week}
Lying Isometric Neck Flexion
2 x 60 Secs

Neck Harness Extension
2 - 5 x 20 Reps

Neck Harness Flexions
2 - 5 x 20 Reps

Neck Harness Forward Hold
1 - 3 x 120 Secs

Neck Harness Backward Hold
1 - 3 x 120 Secs

"20-60 reps three times per week. Build this up until you***8217;re doing 100 reps per day"

I remember doing those in football many moons ago. I haven't seen a harness around that lets you do it solo, but yeah - those are crazy good to help from pinching a nerve too. Or we'd have a partner push on our heads, but some assholes got carried away and would push too hard or mess with you. Damn kids. :p
Also STANDING overhead presses whether they be military, push press, whatever. Just put up heavy weights over your head while standing lol :p
I have always had problems with a thin neck in the past. Deadlifts, shrugs, and other shrug work outs do nothing for my neck.

I do neck isolation exercises to thicken my neck. I lay on a bench and hold a weight on my fornhead for 60secs, and the same while laying on my side, with the weight side of my head. I also do neck bridges.

What halfwit said should also work. The only reason i dont do what he said is because i dont have a neck harness

Becarful, and start out with a lightbweight, and dont over do it. Its not hard to hurt your neck, and it sucks when u do.