Any benefits of running lgd 4033 and test e together


New member
Would there be any benefits in running 5 - 10 mg of lgd 4033 and 450 mg of test e together? I'm 60, 5'10", 210lbs and around 14% body fat. I've run several cycles before, so im not a newbie. I have my ai on hand and don't have to worry about my pct cause im on 200mg of test c a week. Would be a 12 week cycle.
Welcome to the site! what is your highest weight reached and what was your normal weight before you started trt? what is the specific goal from the cycle? which Ai and what dosages? have you ever had any bloodwork done?
Yes i have had blood work done, that's why im on try. I'll try to find the results and post it, but my numbers are LOW. When i started back into lifting a year ago, i weighed 147 at my lowest due to a broken back ( 6 vertebra ) and a 30 year opiate dependence. I'm 2 year clean and lifting keeps me focused and eating right. I'm looking to gain some more lean muscle mass and would like to get my body fat down some. I'm running .25 of aromisin eod. Thanks for any input
I am curious. I have never done this. Strange that nobody has chimed in with any ligandrol experience. I've also been curious about how sarms may impact bloodwork on trt. Hopefully some folks get ya sorted out. Good luck bro
Yes. I stacked 10mg of LGD for 7 weeks out of a 10 week 400mg/wk test cyp cycle and had good results. I'm 5'9, started at 175 14%bf ended at 197 13% bf. Not sure how much of it to attribute to the LGD but it certainly helped. I say go for it.

With that being said I did experience some joint pain directly attributable to the LGD. That's the reason I only ran it for 7 weeks. Once I stopped the pain cleared up. If your prone to connective tissue issues you could have the same problem. It's also not out of the realm of possibility my LGD was fake or tainted though so ymmv.