Any cycles I could run without showing up on drug test?


New member
Just curious since I just walked on the football team at my college, wanting to kindof bulk up and get a little extra size on me pretty quick just wondering if there was any aas I could use without failing a drug test cause I know they are pretty strict on it in division 1 sports..
Not that I know of and WTF if you can't keep up with the natty players you shouldn't play. And really what is this saying about yourself that you want to cheat.

This is blatant lying and cheating and we as athletes in the forum , for the most part don't think much of that. I can't speak for all but this is my belief.

If they are strict it's because it is unfair, to everyone and the fans. If you were runner up for MVP would you feel right if you cheated and won. I really think this attitude is a bigger problem then you think.

You can grow a lot more then you think at a young age by eating and supplements . It takes work and eating, force feeding at times when you are not hungry.

That's my .02
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Walking on a D1 team is an impressive achievement. Don't tarnish it by cheating. Dial in your training and eat like a horse!
Dude I'll tell you what.... I was a d1 athlete and went to a very well known college for athletics! I will say that I personally never used aas in my years as a college athlete!! Never even crossed my mind!!! But then again I did not play football or baseball!!! I will say that I knew of athletes in these sports that did use ped's!! Hell I knew a baseball player that made his own!!! There are ways around it for sure but I do not know these ways!!! I know some of the guys would use offseason because they did not drug test as often!! I also knew players on the football team that would just have other guys go in for then or use the devices you can buy and tape to you legs ect...but this was primarily for pot!!!
I would say majority of college athletes are clean but the dirt is there and always will be!!! Some of these guys are 260 running 4.5 40's cmon...not to discredit anybody hard work but...... Anyway if I where you I would just hang with the other guys on the team and after time it should not be hard to tell if it's being used.... I'm sure the vets know...hell it could be your step to a nfl career... No you guys can't tell me these guys in the major league sports aren't on peds???? Whenever I think about sports and peds first thing that comes to mind is mark McGuire and his bigs ass fore arms.... Yea he's a hundred percent natural....lmao....I knew it all along....the world is so gullible!!!