Any diabetics run tren e??


New member
Hey guys,

I'm not sure if this question has been asked before but I couldn't find the answer I was looking for in regards to diabetics running tren e.

I'm doing my first show in May, I'm about 14 weeks out and I started dieting around 18 weeks.

I just started my cycle today which is just test and letro for now and tren e @ 8 weeks out and switching to test prop bringing in win at 4 weeks out.

I am wondering if any of you have diabetes and experimented with tren e or know of anyone that has. Did the tren effect there blood sugars? Or insulin sensitivity?

Before anyone rips on me, this is NOT my first cycle but it is my first with tren. I have used aas in the past and had no problems with my blood sugars on them. In fact my blood work came back off the charts perfect.

My stats
27 220lbs 19-20% bf (yes yes I know it's high and some of you might disagree with me running gear at bf that high) 5'8.5

I'm cutting at 2281 cals 129C 280P 69F, when I started cutting I was at 232 26% bf. Iv been having good results from the diet and training. But the show is doing is open which is why I'm running gear. Cardio is mild at 2 hrs a week broken up 4x a week - 30 min sessions fasting.

Any feedback or advice is great appreciated.
My dad takes a daily dose of metformin to help with blood sugar levels and hes been on Tren A (now Tren E) for about 8 weeks now. He recently just got blood work and the doctor said its looked better now than it has in a long time.

That's about the extent of my knowledge but I hope that helps you.

Goodluck with more definite answers.
yes that helps a little bit. Its hard to find a anyone who has diabetes and is insulin dependent to give some feed back on there experience with it