Any examples of cycling while on TRT


New member
I am on TRT, 200mg test cyp EW. I am hoping to do my first cycle in the next 4-5 months. I have read a lot about first cycles but none when
the person is on TRT. I have seen it referred to as "blast and cruise". Would I use a different method? I was thinking 500mg a week test and
at the end just dropping back down to my normal 200mg and no PCT. I currently use Anastrozole .25mg every 3.5 days. Would I have to
bump that up during cycle also? Thanks
Yes, you would have to bump up your AI dosage. Try .25mg EOD. See where that puts your blood work and adjust as necessary.
Taking pct out of the equation is what makes this so simple. Like mega said, bump your AI, blast for your desired weeks, then come back to your TRT.
because they dont know the long term effects of hcg use.. they worry about cancer