Any Help for Newbie


New member
Q.1) First of all I would like to ask a question. When you take AS your natural test levels deminish, but when you come of do they return to their highest natural level or does it drop?

Q.2) Also what is best to use to bring back your natural test ASAP. This iv heard will help keep gains when finishing cycle.

I have come up with this oral cycle. Its not that Im afraid of the little needle as have done deca and sust before, its just that iv found most gains from orals.

Here it is
Dbol, Primo, Clomid
50mg,100mg wk1
50mg,100mg wk2
50mg,100mg wk3
50mg,150mg,100mg wk4
30mg,150mg,100mg wk5
150mg,100mg wk6
100mg wk7

The Dbol will add the size and mass needed and the Primo will help bridge to keep gains. The Primo is also in oral form. I have keept to 5-6 weeks because of orals and the liver, but have used high dosages. Any advice from the bro's :)
Welcome to the board bro :)

I don't like your cycle at all! (Sorry)

-Oral Primo must be taken in the vicinity of 150mg-200mg per DAY in order to get anything worthwhile out of it.

-So, essentially this becomes a D-bol only cycle--no good!

-You post cycle therapy (pct) regimine is not adequate (maybe for this cycle it is)

So....let's start over.....;)

Weeks 1-10 500 mg Test Cypionate/WK (only 1 inject/week required)
Weeks 1-4 25-30 mg D-Bol ED
Weeks 13-16 post cycle therapy (pct): Clomid/Nolva combo
Drveejay11 said:
Welcome to the board bro :)

I don't like your cycle at all! (Sorry)

-Oral Primo must be taken in the vicinity of 150mg-200mg per DAY in order to get anything worthwhile out of it.

-So, essentially this becomes a D-bol only cycle--no good!

-You post cycle therapy (pct) regimine is not adequate (maybe for this cycle it is)

So....let's start over.....;)

Weeks 1-10 500 mg Test Cypionate/WK (only 1 inject/week required)
Weeks 1-4 25-30 mg D-Bol ED
Weeks 13-16 post cycle therapy (pct): Clomid/Nolva combo
yeah, i like this too. If you have cycle in the past and exceeded these doses, why not add eq in the mix at 400-600mg a week.
Thanks guys for your help.

Can you also help me with the questions I posted above? Sorry to be a pain. I have tried to do some research and a reason why I did not use a test is because it shuts down natural test levels hard. Do they recover to full strength?

Thanks Bro's
Any Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will shut down your natural testosterone in a matter of weeks, no matter how low the dosage.

They recover to full strenght by themselves (the testes) in about 2 years, but you'll feel them again after a couple of months, usually... Thus the PCT.