Any input or suggestions

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New member
I am starting my next cycle and going to be using the following:

-D-bol 50mg or 75mg every day for the first 4 weeks
-super test 150mg injected every 3rd Day@150mg
-Masteron injected every 3rd day@200mg or 300mg
-Anavar 60mg every day for the last 4 weeks

Post cycle I have Arimdex. Not sure how to use this product in the post cycle and would like some input. If the above mentioned amounts are off or need changing your thoughts are welcome.

I am 6'1" and weigh in at 245lbs. strong workout ethic and good diet but have had some work injuries to set me back.
Your shit is all written out bad man...

Should be like this;

Week 1-12 Test E 500mg/week
Week 1-4 Dbol 50mg ed
Week 6-12 Masteron 400mg/week
Week 6-12 Anavar 60-60mg ed

Ok so 1. shouldnt be running two orals, 2. why would you run anavar for 4 weeks, needs to be atleast 6weeks, 3. whats your bf%, and your post cycle therapy (pct) should be like this;

Week 14-18 Clomid 100/100/50/50/
Week 14-18 Nolva 40/40/20/20
First of all I`m pretty sure this is your first cycle. Am I right??? cause if not HOW THE HELL you don`t know how to line up your shit and don`t know how to PCT??? Too many shit all combine for a non-experience user IMO. Get shit simply 2 orals and even Mast and test 4 compounds on one cycle and not even know how to PCT, lol good luck man.