Any "natural" athletes that use andro as their legal alternative to steroids.....


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Any "natural" athletes that use andro as their legal alternative to steroids.....

Please read this article I found on the ineffectiveness of andro.

Taken from

"'Andro' May Be Useless, May Be Dangerous

By Jim Morelli
WebMD Medical News

Feb. 8, 2000 (Atlanta) -- Androstenedione, the popular supplement called 'andro,' might increase blood levels of the male hormone testosterone, but that does not mean taking it will lead to bigger muscles, experts say. And it could mean the development of potentially serious side effects down the road.

"For one thing, I do not think it should be classified as a dietary supplement," says Gary Wadler, MD, associate professor of clinical medicine at the New York University School of Medicine and an advisor to the U.S. government's 'drug czar.' "At the very least, it should be classified as a prescription drug ... Simply put, you're ingesting a supplement that your body is converting into a controlled substance."

Putting federal drug laws aside, Wadler says there's also a good health reason to avoid andro: the possibility of long-term adverse effects. "Clearly, we know from a variety of experiences with humans, that the effects [of hormones] may not be manifest for months, years, decades later." Wadler says an example of this phenomenon is the potential increased risk of cancer, many years later, in women who used the female hormones estrogen and progesterone.

"You have to remember that testosterone is metabolized ... to estrogen," Wadler says. It's the reason bodybuilders using drugs similar to androstenedione -- anabolic steroids -- sometimes develop large breasts and shrunken testicles. "People taking anabolic steroids have long known that is something they have to deal with," he says. "It was the price they had to pay for increased strength." The question is whether they'll pay a much higher price in years ahead.

And still open for debate is whether taking andro will even result in increased strength. Bodybuilding dogma says more male hormone means a greater potential for bigger muscles. But an endocrinology expert says that when it comes to andro, that's not necessarily so. "The amount of testosterone [produced] is not as important as the amount that can bind to particular tissues," says William Kraemer, PhD, professor and director of the Human Performance Laboratory at Ball State University in Muncie, Ind.

Testosterone binds to all sorts of tissues, Kraemer explains, so there's a real question whether muscle tissue benefits in particular from higher blood levels of the hormone. "If [androstenedione builds muscles], nobody's proven it yet," he says. "We're in the early stages of understanding it scientifically."

Still, Kraemer says he definitely wouldn't recommend use of andro in women and children, because it could cause masculine side effects -- the growth of facial hair, for example. He also suggests that there's a real question whether it's worth the trouble in men -- even in those who might benefit from a bit of extra testosterone. "Some people have thought about using it in older men, but the body tightly regulates testosterone production," he says. Which means andro might send testosterone levels soaring initially, but they would just as quickly drop back down.

That might make andro sound like a benign substance, but Wadler doesn't think so. He favors revising the 1994 law which essentially took the FDA out of the business of regulating dietary supplements, to make an exception for andro. "How many more people have to have adverse effects down the road before we say, 'We made a mistake here,'" Wadler says. "This is a public health issue."

Others favor an even stronger approach. "What needs to be done? The Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act of 1994 has to be repealed as soon as possible," says Larry Sasich of Public Citizen, a Washington-based watchdog group. Sasich suggests that handling problematic supplements in piecemeal fashion is like trying to reign in liquid mercury: Take one off the market and you can count on 10 more splitting off to replace it.

Vital Information:

Androstenedione, known as 'andro,' may increase levels of the male hormone testosterone, but scientists still do not know if it builds muscle.
Long-term adverse effects of the supplement are unknown and may not show up until years after taking it.
Women and children should also stay away from andro because it could cause masculine side effects. "

The bottom line is this. Andro has all the sides of AS but none of the benifits. If you are going to spend money on something to enhance your performance, use something that is proven to work!
I'm not talking about price at all. I am just speaking on the effectiveness of the substance.

2 friends gained 13lbs off of 1-ad by ergo

1 friend gained 18lbs off of VPX's 1-test

3 friends took Mag 10 and gained an avg of 12 lbs.

Now I have taken creatine, glutamine, protien, etc.

These "pro-steroids" work...hands down!

Do they work as well as real Are they cost

Can they give the average Joe an edge in the gym over conventional supps...without a doubt!
I'm not talking about price at all. I am just speaking on the effectiveness of the substance.

2 friends gained 13lbs off of 1-ad by ergo

1 friend gained 18lbs off of VPX's 1-test

3 friends took Mag 10 and gained an avg of 12 lbs.

Now I have taken creatine, glutamine, protien, etc.

These "pro-steroids" work...hands down!

Do they work as well as real Are they cost

Can they give the average Joe an edge in the gym over conventional supps...without a doubt!

Point taken. One of the big problems is the average joe doesn't know how to combat side effects that they cause. I have one friend who had random bald spots occur and another who developed terrible gyno. People think just because they are legal that they don't have sides.
Wartime100 said:
Point taken. One of the big problems is the average joe doesn't know how to combat side effects that they cause. I have one friend who had random bald spots occur and another who developed terrible gyno. People think just because they are legal that they don't have sides.

You are correct...but that way of thinking is going to get all that shit banned! We need to educate these people and get the fucking heat back on to cocaine and herion. me a break!
Interesting article. I always believed that to be true but it's nice to read something that actually proves the point. Andro's give you all the same side effects as AS without any real benefits. It's amazing the FDA approved this stuff in the first place.
If you want the ugliest little banana tits, impposible to get rid off estrogen fat, bad zits, moderate strength gains that go away and an empty pocket book.

I took them got all of those sides, Its been a year and just starting to lose estrogen fat. not sure if I will ever be able to get seriously ripped again. will have to get my man cakes cut out, and i'm sure there is some sort of inhibition after you go off them, I felt like a castrate for months after.
I wouldn't be surprised if a major class action suit came out of this. Especially after what happened to snake.