Any painless or moderate pain winny 100mg oil based recipe?


New member
Hi guys, i have been researching for several days. I want to make oil based winny 100mg, painless or moderate pain.
The best recipe i found is this:

100% EO as carrier oil
Pain Factor: 4 of 10

I know there are a lot of labs selling painless oil based Winstrol (winny) at 100mg/ml, but i think is underdosed.
Anyone knows a good recipe for making painless (or moderate pain) oil based Winstrol (winny) at 100mg/ml?

Thanks a lot!
First of all, have you tried the above recipe? Is the 4 out of 10 pain factor too much for you, or it's something you can tolerate?
From my experience with UGL gears and readings from research articles, BA and/or BB can cause horrible post injection pain.
If you want to reduce the pain, reduce the concentration of BB and/or BA. I use neither in my brew, and I get absolutely no pain.

My brew doesn't crash without BA/BB, but I'm not sure about Winstrol (winny), because I have never done it. But if you find that Winstrol (winny) is susceptible to crashing, then what you can do is brew small amount (10ml) and test out different BB concentration.

For example:

Sample recipe #1:
Desired Concentration: 100mg/ml
Desired Total Volume: 10ml

Powder: 1,000mg ...... (100mg/ml x 10ml)
BA: 0.3ml ................... (3% of 10ml)
BB: 2ml ...................... (20% of 10ml)
Guaiacol: 2.5ml ........... (25% of 10ml)
EO: about 5.2ml ......... (52% of 10ml)

Mix all the above ingredients in a beaker or any volume measuring device, and add in as much EO as needed so that the final volume reaches the 10ml mark. (The EO should be around 5.2 ml).

Test it out and see how the pain factor is.

Let's say you want another recipe with less pain, what you can do is lower the BB concentration from 20% (2ml) down to 15% (1.5ml)... Just be sure to add an extra 0.5ml EO to keep the total volume constant at 10ml.
Hi guys, i have been researching for several days. I want to make oil based winny 100mg, painless or moderate pain.
The best recipe i found is this:

100% EO as carrier oil
Pain Factor: 4 of 10

I know there are a lot of labs selling painless oil based Winstrol (winny) at 100mg/ml, but i think is underdosed.
Anyone knows a good recipe for making painless (or moderate pain) oil based Winstrol (winny) at 100mg/ml?

Thanks a lot!

BA should NEVER be above 1% with oil based winstrol!! It struggles to hold.
Also use 100% EO if u are tolerant to it... And bring the guiacol down to 20%

1. Melt powder mixed with 20% guiacol just heat it until its completly disolves no more(it will go cloudy just slowly swirl until clear)
2. Leave to cool ( this is important get it to room temp)
2. Add BA (1%)
3. Add bb(20%) and EO (100%)
Reheat until there are no swirls, filter then reheat in vial

Thats how i do it and at 100mg/ml it doesnt crash, honestly painless and very thin.

Solid recipe... Keep it at room temp for a day to make sure it doesnt crash and you can put it in a slin pin;)

Good luck.

Is the powder for oral winstrol different from oil based winstrol, or are they the same thing?

Is the powder for oral winstrol different from oil based winstrol, or are they the same thing?

Nope same thing bro... Personally dont see much point in doing every day sometimes crippling inj of Winstrol (winny) when you can just cap it and i get the exact same effect.
Thanks for the info, alex. About the injectable vs oral Winstrol (winny), I read that some people prefer the injectable because, allegedly, it passes through the liver once instead of twice, as in the case with oral Winstrol (winny), and thus, the liver toxic effect from Winstrol (winny) is reduced.

By the way, alex, on a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate the fat burning effect of Winstrol (winny), anavar, and tren?
Thanks for the info, alex. About the injectable vs oral Winstrol (winny), I read that some people prefer the injectable because, allegedly, it passes through the liver once instead of twice, as in the case with oral Winstrol (winny), and thus, the liver toxic effect from Winstrol (winny) is reduced.

By the way, alex, on a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate the fat burning effect of Winstrol (winny), ana Anavar (var) , and tren?

Yeah as far as passing liver once uppposed to twice i know thats... Really tho what effect does 2passes really do compared to once... All bro science imo id rather take a 2nd pass than limping for a few days lol.
As for fat burning they do really nothing apart from tren which is great i really think its the best compound for really changing your physic give it a 7... As for Anavar (var) and Winstrol (winny) only really hardening agents, increased vascularity slight muscle growth nothing really noticable unless you are very low bf to begin. TestE/TrenE/MastE is by far my fave combo.
Yeah as far as passing liver once uppposed to twice i know thats... Really tho what effect does 2passes really do compared to once... All bro science imo id rather take a 2nd pass than limping for a few days lol


As for fat burning they do really nothing apart from tren which is great i really think its the best compound for really changing your physic give it a 7...

I only had some experience with Finaplix pellets (Tren Ace) @ 30mg x 3 per week. Pretty low dose, but I had awesome results.
Is there any compound that is better than Tren when it comes to fat burning?

As for Anavar (var) and Winstrol (winny) only really hardening agents, increased vascularity slight muscle growth nothing really noticable unless you are very low bf to begin. teste/TrenE/MastE is by far my fave combo.

What's the role of Mast E in this combo?
BA should NEVER be above 1% with oil based winstrol!! It struggles to hold.
Also use 100% EO if u are tolerant to it... And bring the guiacol down to 20%

1. Melt powder mixed with 20% guiacol just heat it until its completly disolves no more(it will go cloudy just slowly swirl until clear)
2. Leave to cool ( this is important get it to room temp)
2. Add BA (1%)
3. Add bb(20%) and EO (100%)
Reheat until there are no swirls, filter then reheat in vial

Thats how i do it and at 100mg/ml it doesnt crash, honestly painless and very thin.

Solid recipe... Keep it at room temp for a day to make sure it doesnt crash and you can put it in a slin pin;)

Good luck.

I tried this a cpl days ago and it is good to go bro. Thanks
Will this work?

Would this recipe also be good for prop?

BA should NEVER be above 1% with oil based winstrol!! It struggles to hold.
Also use 100% EO if u are tolerant to it... And bring the guiacol down to 20%

1. Melt powder mixed with 20% guiacol just heat it until its completly disolves no more(it will go cloudy just slowly swirl until clear)
2. Leave to cool ( this is important get it to room temp)
2. Add BA (1%)
3. Add bb(20%) and EO (100%)
Reheat until there are no swirls, filter then reheat in vial

Thats how i do it and at 100mg/ml it doesnt crash, honestly painless and very thin.

Solid recipe... Keep it at room temp for a day to make sure it doesnt crash and you can put it in a slin pin;)

Good luck.