Any reason why suspension can't be in straight water?


New member
... with 1% BA to maintain sterility. My suspensions never hold, although polysorbate 80 helps it only slows down the settling out of the fine particles. I don't see the point, it has to be shaken well before every use anyway. Anyone ever make a stable suspension? or just with water? Heat from autoclaving also seams to negate most of the effects of the PS80, i suspect it is burning.

Also better results have been attained by leaving a few ball bearings in the vial, autoclave, then spinning it for a few hours. When it is done transfer it to a sterile vial. The result goes through a 31g needle like water at 150mg/ml. My only worry is the small scratches in the glass vial improvised ball mill, this must mean there is very small bits of glass in solution. Maybe i will find plastic balls or move to something that isn't glass. Test base is impossible to grind dry btw, just sticks to everything and forms a compact layer.
It's supposed to settle and it as to be shaken before each use. Winstrol V is the same way neither will suspend even in a solution of oil