Avoiding trestolone induced water retention


New member
Hey guys,
I'm new here. 32 yrs of age. From Connecticut. 215lbs. 15%bf. Goal is recomp.
My next cycle will consist of 200mg trestolone/wk along with a trt dose of test. The only downside of this compound is that it Aromatizes heavily. Not only that, but since it is of the 19-nor class, prolactin mediated water retention is potentially an issue as well. My problem is that I have always hated Aromatizes inhibitors as the side effects tend to be too drastic even in small doses. I am prescribed prami 2mg per day for an unrelated medical condition so my bases are covered as far as prolactin is concerned. Its just the estro that I worry about. Would something over the counter like Erase be sufficient to stave off bloat? If not, I was considering throwing in proviron, but I have very little experience with this compound. Are its anti estrogenic capabilities strong enough to keep me dry? If so, what dose would be required? Proviron is pricey to run for a whole cycle. I would like to run it at 25mg, but am afraid that won't be enough. Are there any other anti-e drugs that you can think of?
Okay second issue. I have some transdermal tren I made out of cattle pellets and dmso. Would it be a bad idea to mix this with trest? I realize mixing 19 nors is a no no, but trest acts more like test than nandrolone. This would be a crazy stack, but I am afraid that the shutdown from these 2 ******** combined would be scary. Any insight?
welcome. your playing with fire a bit here and a bit irresponsible with innapropriate cycle ideas. what is your complete cycle history?
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Can you explain in more detail why you can't use a legit ai? Proviron isn't an ai and nothing over the counter will work.