any suggestions on a new routine?


I'm getting a little bored with my 5x5 routine. Also the morons that wanna lift with me want to work musles 2x a week. Now im not necc. saying this is what i want to do, but i have been doing the same routine for close to 4 months. the only reason i kept on it was because the weight has been moving up. Considering this should i stay on it longer? Most of my big lifts are improving, while some of the secondary lifts are staying at the same weight, unable to move up. I was thinking PB's routine or a basic WSB. Although, i want to do some more isolation lifts and cables as opposed to just big lifts and compounds as i was doing. Please give me some insight on this. . .
isolation and cables ae not part of WSb at all-although they may be done as assistance but more often they are not

same goes with PB's routine

only way you will know is if you give something a try and see where it gets you but give it a good 6-8 weeks
Do what works for you.
If you're gains are lacking then change. If you're getting bored then get new friends to work out with.
blackbeard said:
isolation and cables ae not part of WSb at all-although they may be done as assistance but more often they are not

same goes with PB's routine

only way you will know is if you give something a try and see where it gets you but give it a good 6-8 weeks

i know there not. my problem is i dont know if i wanna continue more of PL'ing styled routine or do more isolation exercises....still need input!
5x5 then 5x3 or 3x5( i cant remember, its been over a year) when you plataue, that worked OK for me. But my body responds best to really low volume, so whats been working for me for a while is 4x5 of either bench or dead, and then 3-4 sets of asisstance compound excersizes(two different lifts, 2 sets each). I also take close to 3 minutes in between each set, depending on my mood. This has been working great for me. I would ussually have a third day of the same thing but squats, but my weeks always felt akward. Im currently getting lots of leg work from just walking around campus and riding my bike, so I just say screw legs(they get hit pretty hard with deadlifts anyways, i make my back straight and lift with my legs). the two day split feels great. I also do boxing twice a week(good calf and some quad work). I just spread it all out, dont stick to a certain thing on certain days of the week, so each week im doing something different on a different day. i kind of go by how I feel, but the general outline is bench,rest,box,rest,dead,rest....then rest again,bench. or " "...then box,rest,bench. As you can see its not set up for 7 days.
when l change my routine up l rotate between hypertrophy style training with the higher reps not as heavy weight then to stregnth training with the lower reps and bigger weight..
fullypaully said:
when l change my routine up l rotate between hypertrophy style training with the higher reps not as heavy weight then to stregnth training with the lower reps and bigger weight..

i kinda like the idea of that how's that working out for you? i've been doing low volume heavy weight for close to 4 months now
works good for me l was doing strength training for a long time and then when i changed it up to hypertropy style l gained some muscle pretty quick