anybody have scoliosis?

I do, as well as dislocated disc, herniated disc, buiging disc, and nerve compression and damage....i take pain killers ED....if i didnt i wouldnt be able to train....

I dont lift HEAVY though, reps of 10-12 for everything...
same here. 21. recently had some nagging pains in my back and went to the doc. apparently the doc said it was actually fine and a lot of people have it (genetic in fact) and as long as you don't mess up your form and screw your spine over. also mentioned the small lil details like sitting posture and daily activities would accumulate and affect your spine.

maybe soft foam massage or deep tissue massage would help you with your pain? or perhaps spend a few minutes or so on a non-training day to stretch your body out. that's pretty much what i always do now and it feels a lot better, and my back isn't being a bitch when i drive. but i'm 21 and you're 34... so i'm not sure if what i do works for you /: just my suggestion
thanks for the input. I do chiropractor 3 times a week, neuro-muscular massage 2-3 times per week, ice compress, daily stretching, rolling on the foam noodle, and Shroth exercises, muscle relaxers, NSAIDs, daily use of my TENS unit. So all this keeps me out of pain and so far no nerve issues since the neck surgery. Trying everything I can here to keep doing what I enjoy most which is exercise and jiu jitsu
I don't have scoliosis, however i have Ankylosing Spondylitis. I take nsaid's twice a day and every two weeks i inject myself with Humira. I use to go to therapy but i have the "A.S" under control for now. Due to the "A.S" i had to get a total hip replacement in 2008 and pretty soon im going to have to get the other side done.

Like you i love the martial arts but i had to give it up for now. The only thing i have now is working out, which by the way i am so grateful i still can do that! I usually work out as heavy as i can and i use machines and cables when it's necessary. One must be very careful to not over do it or pain will put a halt on your progress. This of course is from my own experiences.

Hang in there and keep on keeping on.