anyone else train like this or similar?


I am banned!
say i'm training chest and i'm doing 5 movements. for the first 2 or 3 i'll train heavy, going to failure with almost every set. then i'll switch it up and go light, 12-20 reps each set.

i've been doing it for years and it seems thats what works for me. what about you guys?
I've trained like this before. Hit a compound movement or two for 5-8 reps at a heavier weight, then move to isolation exercises for 8-15 reps. It's worked just fine for me as well.
Strength/Hypertrophy training. Not uncommon at all. Id say its probably what the majority of us here do
I enjoy doing drop sets. I will do a couple warm up sets then go heavy. When I get my last heavy set in, I will do drop sets. It works for me now. When I was younger the only time I would lift lighter was when I was cutting up.

If I was power lifting I wouldn't be picking up light weight other than to warm up. I like the defination I get and still get some heavy sets in to maintain some size. I don't do cutting or bulking cycles any longer. Its not ideal for either, but works well for me at this point in life.