anyone ever shred their quadricep tendon?


New member
I am going to the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow and was wondering if this has happened to them and could tell me about rehab lengths and I they were ever able to squat again?

dude that sucks. about 4 years ago i hurt both of mine while squating. i could not walk for 2 days after it happened. i didn't go to the doctor. i just let them heal as good as they can on their own. i don't really work legs hard anymore, but if i do, they get really weak after only a short period of training. if you actually have surgery i would imagine you will be at full strength in about 8 month's or so.
Man that sucks out LOUD! Sorry bro. I had knee surgery and I was out for a few weeks to a month. I'd say fully after a month or so. But the muscle is different. Chuck's right...I'd give it 6-8 months. Look around online on rehabbing after such an injury.