Anyone got a dbol recipe?


I'm new to making orals, never done it before but thinking about giving it a try. Just wondering if anyone had a dbol recipe or what i need along with my powder and also correct me if 'Im wrong if I use 100grams( which has 100,000mg) that should produce 10,000 tabs if dosed at 10mg per tab? Thanks for any tips or advice.
I read that, I think that is for injection use(I think, since its mentioning 20ml @ 50mg per ml and using oil). I'm wanting to make pill form. I've read somewhere to use my powder + everclear. But Im not sure of how much powder how much solvant to mix, thanks again.
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Add just enough alcohol to cover the powder and dissolve it (you can heat it to make is dissolve faster). After that, just add tap water to get the milligram per mL ratio you want.
Dissolve, what? I have never been able to dissolve a oral in alcohol and I'm almost positive I've bought powdered dbol before.
My powder dissolves (mostly) in alcohol. If it doesn't dissolve totally it's no big deal, just shake your dropper bottle up each time before draw out the liquid.