anyone has experienced? My Second Cycle (Bulk) using test cyp/eq. Suggestions?

22 yr old (be kind)
10% bodt fat (Fat Calipers)
have been lifting seriously since 18. 3 years.
My fist cycle was awesome, started on my 21 birthday. Went from 170 9% to 205 12% on test cypionate 500mg 14 weeks. Ran clomid after everything is fine, dropped to 190 now I'm at 190 holding strong at 10%. Gonna run another cycle to help keep growing. Now a year later after surpassing gains I made on cycle its time to hit the gear again. Gonna run test cypionate 500mg and eq (need help 400, 500, 600mg?) Need some help on dosing the eq, experienced no gyno little bloat last cycle so any input on arimidex would be awesome, looks like good stuff would help me stay lean? Just looking for some advice. I have been thinking about my first thread for years after reading on the forums. Glad i didn't hop on the train and take a dbol only oral cycle at 18 like the kids in my highschool. Lookin for some help, maybe some results anyone has experienced.