Big Ben said to take it on an empty stomach. He may be right but from what I have read and from what other knowledgable members have said , you dont have to worry bout that./QUOTE]
HGH will interfere with your cells ability to uptake glucose and get it out of your bloodstream, so as already mentioned carbs around injection time are not a really smart idea.
I usually take my first HGH injection as soon as I wake, so I can then get showered, changed and drive to work. I am lucky enough to be able to eat at work, so there's usually been a good hour and a half between pinning and breakfast.
If you need to eat around injection time, then try to eat a protein/healthy fat meal and save the carbs for a little later in the day. Insulin resistance with HGH isn't just a myth ... trust me, I know first hand what it can do if you let it (an a1c reading of 9.5% at one point). As long as you watch your eating and keep a cursory eye on what your BG levels are doing, you shouldn't have any concern. Ignore sound eating practices and don't give a thought to BG levels and you may be in for a really nice case of insulin resistance.