Anyone has used HGH as part of a cycle?

So I decided I was going to do it, I found a reliable source. The only thing that bugs me is everywhere I've looked, the protocole seems to require you to pin like twice a day ED if I'm not mistaken.. That is insane IMO do you guys know if there is GH that will release itself slower into your system making it possible to pin less often in a similar way esters do for Test?? Thanks for your help!
Can't justify the cost of running real HGH, but am running Prami again and will be topping out at 2mg... Last time at 1mg I absolutely without a doubt looked leaner and fuller than without it. People are sceptical about it, but have these people run over 1mg ED? Nope.

When I hit 2mg ED, I'll get bloods on IGF levels to see what is really going on and post back. I've got that feeling that there are no studies on Prami and GH release, mainly because well, it will become widespread amongst the bodybuilding community and its already hush because people don't tolerate it or are scared of it and that like all AAS, studies are scarce.

Have a look around, you will find people who say it actually does have GH benefits and gives them all the sides associated with it were running it at 1mg and above and took the time to tolerate the first couple weeks of adjusting and tapering up. I noticed once I hit the 1mg mark I too was starting to get slightly numb hands, woke up a few times with numb hands and no I wasn't sleeping on them, and like I said definitely looked fuller and leaner. I don't notice much worth commenting on below 1mg.
So I decided I was going to do it, I found a reliable source. The only thing that bugs me is everywhere I've looked, the protocole seems to require you to pin like twice a day ED if I'm not mistaken.. That is insane IMO do you guys know if there is GH that will release itself slower into your system making it possible to pin less often in a similar way esters do for Test?? Thanks for your help!

Two schools of thought in general with HGH... either a split dose, on empty stomachs am and before bed... or take the lot before bed...

Due to it being a SubQ injection it really isn't a hassle... I find SubQ injects an absolute doddle compared to IM injects...

I really don't see your problem with doing 2 x SubQ injects a day (5 days on 2 off)

When I ran HGH a couple of years ago, I actually used to crave the night time injection, I knew as I was slipping off to sleep it was doing it's work while I was flat on my back :)
IMO Do 5-6iu/day
Do half first thing and then if you can the other mid to late afternoon. If you cant do the late afternoon dose then do it at night (when you get home) or do it right before bed.

Because of a crazy day yesterday I did my first 3iu dose at 7 pm and then my second at 10:40 right before bed. Wow I slept great!
But normally I do not do the late night dose because your own body will produce its own GH while sleeping. It is a small amount compared to what you are dosing and wont do much but it is the largest amount your own body will produce at any time.

If I nap in the afternoon I will take my second dose as soon as I wake. Cortisol levels will be higher so this would be a good time to hit the GH.

Big Ben said to take it on an empty stomach. He may be right but from what I have read and from what other knowledgable members have said , you dont have to worry bout that.
It may be true though that if you eat then your insulin levels will rise. But HGH will cause elevated igf levels to block the insulin (forcing your body to burn fat for energy rather than glucose. So this may cause highre blood glucose levels?? I mean, using HGH will do that anyway so it may not matter. More significantly the question is, will the HGH block the natural course of insulin (which is highly anabolic).? But HGH will last 5-6 hours and you will eat a couple a times during that period anyway so the whole idea may be moot.

Lets say you take your first dose at 5 am when you wake up. And its on an empty stomach. It now takes the GH 3 hrs to hit peak. Arent you going to eat within those first 3hrs? In fact you may eat twice in that 6 hr window.
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It depends if you are cutting or bulking...

For cutting, it's best to take the lot right before bedtime...
For bulking, try to split it AM & PM...

I'd start at 4iu a day if this is your first run...

I did 4iu daily on all three times of running HGH - as you can see by my avatar - it got me in decent shape :)
Big Ben said to take it on an empty stomach. He may be right but from what I have read and from what other knowledgable members have said , you dont have to worry bout that./QUOTE]

HGH will interfere with your cells ability to uptake glucose and get it out of your bloodstream, so as already mentioned carbs around injection time are not a really smart idea.

I usually take my first HGH injection as soon as I wake, so I can then get showered, changed and drive to work. I am lucky enough to be able to eat at work, so there's usually been a good hour and a half between pinning and breakfast.

If you need to eat around injection time, then try to eat a protein/healthy fat meal and save the carbs for a little later in the day. Insulin resistance with HGH isn't just a myth ... trust me, I know first hand what it can do if you let it (an a1c reading of 9.5% at one point). As long as you watch your eating and keep a cursory eye on what your BG levels are doing, you shouldn't have any concern. Ignore sound eating practices and don't give a thought to BG levels and you may be in for a really nice case of insulin resistance.
So what I am thinking/saying is that lets say you pin your GH and then eat 2 hrs later. The GH is not only active in your system but its peak effects are still building and hit the highest level at the 3hr mark. So the longer you wait the more the GH is exerting its effects on your BG levels. If you wait 2 hrs to eat you will also be peaking your insulin levels around the same time you are peaking your GH/igf levels. If you eat around peak GH/igf levels thats when your BG levels will be highest and your body will be least likely to be able to get rid of the glucose because the GH is preventing it.
Wouldnt it make more sense to eat right away and by 2 hrs later your insulin/BG levels will have dropped back down again and then you can ride thru your 3 hr GH peak on an empty stomach and then maybe eat after the peak as it declines.
I guarantee you'll read 99 articles on this, and get 99 different analogies...

I'm older and wiser than most and I've learnt long ago that the only true way to get answers, is to narrow what you want to know down via lengthy research, and then when you have it down to a couple of options, try them out.

The only true way to know what works best for you, is to run a variety of ways.

I will be running HGH for the 4th time later this year, I can do so in the knowledge that I will be running it in a fashion that I know 100% works for me.

And that's on an empty stomach with carb digestion 90mins later.

And thats when I wake... and before bed. (My last meal of the day is a protein/healthy fat meal only!)

We could debate this til the cows come home, but I know for sure that my method works, because I've ran it before, to fantastic effect! :)

Good luck with whatever method you choose bro.
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Im sure you are very much squared away with your diet . Im not saying there is a better way for you and you are not doing it. Just pointing out an observsation.

All Im saying is that HGH exerts effects for 5-6 hrs and its greatest effects are at the 3 hr mark. So if you eat carbs anytime in that window you will have elevated BG levels . My theory is you may as well get your carbs in early so that you are not peaking BG levels at the same time as peak IGF levels.

I eat low glycemic . Ezieckiel bread, high fiber stuff. and avoid carbs at the 3 hour peak. If im hungry at the 3 hr peak I eat high protein and healthy fat. In addition I take green tea extract, cinnamon and eat almonds thru the day.

One thing about your way is that first 90 min until you eat your body is burning fat cause the hgh is not allowing glucose to burn. So im sure you get good results. But for sure when you do eat and if you eat carbs your gonna get elevated BG levels.

I took my hgh first thing and then had breakfast. 16 g of carbs is all I had. I dont think that little of carbs is gonna spike my BG that high. Higher than yours yes. But my next meal will be non carb and thats when the HGH will be at its highest.
I'm glad you have found what works for you... you are obviously a HGH expert with many runs under your belt.

I'll stick with what works for me, tried and tested, and wish you all the best.
Why you shooting a 'tude at me Ben >? Im not trying to fight over whose got the biggest dick here, I value your input . Yes you have more experience, thats good, I make it a habit of listening to those that have it.
But at the same time it is possible for those who have experience to also miss things. And I am not saying you did miss anything.

I think your approach is fine . All Im saying is (and you have not said I am right or wrong on this) that HGH is in your system for 6 hrs and if you take 2 shots a day its a total of 12hrs . During this time period your IGF will bind to the receptor sites that your insulin would normally bind to. So within that 12 hrs there is no way to keep your BG levels from hitting higher limits unless you follow a low glycemic diet. It sounds like you do so thats great.

Waiting 90 min to eat any carbs kinda makes no difference really. I was just spliitng hairs saying that maybe it would be optimal if you ate right away cause after 2 hrs your BG levels come down and thats an hour before your igf levels hits its peak

But if you eat 90 min later and its low glycemic then thats great.

So this is my theory, or my observation at best and I am looking to have a discussion about it and see what others think.
Im not an expert and neither are you.
So 5 times a week twice a day seems like the concencius here.. Do you guys think it's just as good if I do my off days, say wednesday and sunday instead of the w-e??
Damn I had not thought about the insuline/carb issue at all... I tend to eat a small meal first thing in the morning that includes about 20 g of carbs (and some aspartame in my protein shake) and then another carb meal (includes about 60g of carbs) around 2 hours later... I'm not quite sure what to do with that. Basically yoiu guys are saying that you can develop a sort of type 2 diabetes doing this?
10iu a day? At his age 5iu would be like 15iu to
Me lmao, I don't think he's running that much.

I've heard that 4iu/day with a 5 day break/month is good enough for pretty much anyone, looking at a couple gs for a decent cycle, but IGF-1 is virtually the same and remarkably cheaper, I've heard from a lot of pros that HGH is highly overrated and over exaggerated in terms of gains, mostly used for good cuts and bone density.
So 5 times a week twice a day seems like the concencius here.. Do you guys think it's just as good if I do my off days, say wednesday and sunday instead of the w-e??

5 on 2 off is not needed. You can do it everyday.

When your body makes insulin then your own GH will go down and visa versa. When you take exogenous GH it is in you and thats it. So if your insulin spikes the GH will still be exerting its effects. It doesnt matter if you wait 30 min or an hour before you eat.

You need to follow a low glycemic diet . Get your glucose levels checked and dont abuse GH. Take a managable dose and focus on cardio and diet for youe faTLOSS
5 on 2 off is not needed. You can do it everyday.

When your body makes insulin then your own GH will go down and visa versa. When you take exogenous GH it is in you and thats it. So if your insulin spikes the GH will still be exerting its effects. It doesnt matter if you wait 30 min or an hour before you eat.

You need to follow a low glycemic diet . Get your glucose levels checked and dont abuse GH. Take a managable dose and focus on cardio and diet for youe faTLOSS

I'm actually trying to bulk right now, I want to gain a good 15 pounds, are you saying and HGH test cycle would not be good for that??
I'm actually trying to bulk right now, I want to gain a good 15 pounds, are you saying and HGH test cycle would not be good for that??

No not at all. I forgot you said you were bulking.... Same rules apply tho. Follow a low glycemic diet and just keep your calories up. Test will do the job ... and diet. Dont expect GH to help you add more weight(LBM) unless you are prepared to dose heavy at 10iu.

Im running about 6 iu,day for over 6 months now. Im eating very well and I am keeping my stomach fat to a minimum at the moment. But Im not on a cycle right now, Im on TRT. In a few more months I am going on my blast and I will up my test and along with the GH and diet I am looking to grow. But I will be on GH for 8 months by then.
Shit it took over 6 months to start noticing better skin!
5 days on 2 off is more cost effective - I'd rather run HGH for longer on this protocol than run it daily for a shorter length of time. It's a time proven method which produces great results. Quality HGH is not only hard to find, it certainly isn't cheap!

And FYI, I've got better things to do than give people 'tude' - I'm merely paying forward my own experience and expertise to those who need it. You obviously have your way, I have mine.
Ok well since you have "many runs under your belt and you are obviously an expert" I will try 5 on 2 off and see how that works for me. Thanks!