Anyone has used HGH as part of a cycle?

Yes I understand that but what about after that year? What about my natural level, is it very hard to recover?

hgh will not affect your natural hgh production, you can come off at any time after years of use with little to no time needed to bounce back... but if you plan to run, don't plan to come off, just stay on it if you can afford it
Hi guys! So I've done a couple cycles here and there and didn't have that much success except for the first one I did which was simple Test E fot 12 weeks that's it. Now I'm thinking of combining test and Hgh for my next one but I have a few questions about HGH. First of all I have no idea how to dose it and when to use it. But my biggest concern is, will taking the hormone artificially shut down my natural production of it and take months to recover in the same way it does for Test? Should I worry about that? Any other helpful comment is welcome. Thanks!

brother you need to do hgh for a longer period of time. it's very pricey though, and counterfeited very often.....obviously due to the high price.
best gains I've ever gotten was when I ran hgh with Anadrol, which was recommended to me by a pro-bodybuilder.

I agree with 3J on not using the test with it as well. my 2cnts.
Cutting edge in its day, even had Dan Duchaine as a contributor. MM2K and Phillips Anabolic Reference Guide were worth their weight in gold back then

Yeah Dan Duchaine was awesome - MM2K and Phillips ARG were bad ass!!!

Shit congress would be flipp'n out if MM2K were still on the local magazine shelves! :D

HGH effects alone produce like a +1.
AAS effects alone produce a +2.

However combined the results are more like a +5... Get what I mean? No? AAS+HGH synergise with each other.

If I could afford it I would just run Test+HGH year round, blasting the test only and using letro as an AI. But, I can not, so I use AAS only.
What staunched said...

Another way of looking at it would be like this, HGH at the right dose will cause hyperplasia which is basically the division and creation of new muscle cells. Steroids at the right dose cause hypertrophy which is the enlargement of muscle cells. When you combine the two you get new muscle cells (caused by hyperplasia) that are then expanded and matured at an accelerated rate (hypertrophy) and the end result is far greater than than either of the two can achieve on their own thus the synergy
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So you would do both at the same time, that's what I wanted to do and someone here said it was not a good idea for some reason..
I believe your referring 3j's comment earlier in the thread which I believe may be misinterpreted

"You're real main concern should be cardiomegaly...

Research shows the use of anabolics and gh can cause the heart to grow...causing, obviously, an enlarged heart which leads to serious complications

In other words if you are going to run gh and aas make sure you get a baseline check up. With a doc and close doctors supervision"

Note he said anabolics and gh not anabolics with gh. Having said that it should be noted that steroids, gh, and heck even resistance training in general to a lesser degree will have that effect. It also should be noted though that GH in high enough doses will cause all tissues to grow. That includes heart, brain, intestines ect and when combined with AAS that effect will be amplified. It is a risk we all take and the end of the day it's up to each of us to do our own risk/benefit analysis to determine if a certain protocol should be followed. Although based on my interpretation of his wording 3j didn't flat out say not to combine AAS and hgh his reccomendation of having a doctor Monitor any potential signs of cardiomegaly is spot on.

Ill pm him to see if he wouldn't mind coming back in here to clarify since I really hate putting words in someone's mouth...
I believe your referring 3j's comment earlier in the thread which I believe may be misinterpreted

"You're real main concern should be cardiomegaly...

Research shows the use of anabolics and gh can cause the heart to grow...causing, obviously, an enlarged heart which leads to serious complications

In other words if you are going to run gh and aas make sure you get a baseline check up. With a doc and close doctors supervision"

Note he said anabolics and gh not anabolics with gh. Having said that it should be noted that steroids, gh, and heck even resistance training in general to a lesser degree will have that effect. It also should be noted though that GH in high enough doses will cause all tissues to grow. That includes heart, brain, intestines ect and when combined with AAS that effect will be amplified. It is a risk we all take and the end of the day it's up to each of us to do our own risk/benefit analysis to determine if a certain protocol should be followed. Although based on my interpretation of his wording 3j didn't flat out say not to combine AAS and hgh his reccomendation of having a doctor Monitor any potential signs of cardiomegaly is spot on.

Ill pm him to see if he wouldn't mind coming back in here to clarify since I really hate putting words in someone's mouth...

yup.. people have safely ran gh and gear together for years.. but there is a serious risk.. and you should be under doc supervision..

also if your family has a history of cancer i would be concerned too.. remember, gh makes just about everything grow
I believe having elevated hematocrit is what does it when your using AAS+HGH... Thicker blood = heart works harder (heart is a muscle) + your body is in an extremely anabolic state = heart enlargement. How to avoid? Probably can't be fully avoided, but keeping your hematocrit in check sure as fuck should be a priority, as it should be anyway.
Oh damn that's making me reconsider it, My mom died from cancer and my dad died from heart desease.. I mean I've been tested and being young and in shape, everything is A1 but still, not sure anymore now. I also read it is possible to develop acromegaly (enlargement of forehand, nose, jaw, hands etc) but I'm guessing this one is less frequent?
yea that can happen too..

just remember.. if youre going to do it.. do it with docs supervision.. get your heart and bloods checked regularly
yea that can happen too..

just remember.. if youre going to do it.. do it with docs supervision.. get your heart and bloods checked regularly

How would you go about it? You'd just go to your family doctor and tell him you wanna get your heart checked regularly?? Meeting doctors here in canada is like is like the most complicated and long process ever. You need an urgent reason to have an appointment within a reasonnable amount of time.
yep, and I highly doubt anyone in his situation/environment runs less than 10iu per day all year round... and that's not me bullshitting

I think for Stallone it simply made him dumb and unable to speak normally...:) then again, he's rich and I'm not, so maybe I'm the dumb one.
How would you go about it? You'd just go to your family doctor and tell him you wanna get your heart checked regularly?? Meeting doctors here in canada is like is like the most complicated and long process ever. You need an urgent reason to have an appointment within a reasonnable amount of time.

so plan ahead.. have an appointment made every 2-3 months.. tell your doc you want to make sure your cardiovascular system is g2g.. i know its tough to come out to a doc esp in canada
I think for Stallone it simply made him dumb and unable to speak normally...:) then again, he's rich and I'm not, so maybe I'm the dumb one.

Stallone's slurred speech and wooden facial appearance is actually the result of a severed nerve due to complications with his birth. Pretty amazing that someone whose partially paralyzed in the face has become such an iconic actor.