I believe your referring 3j's comment earlier in the thread which I believe may be misinterpreted
"You're real main concern should be cardiomegaly...
Research shows the use of anabolics and gh can cause the heart to grow...causing, obviously, an enlarged heart which leads to serious complications
In other words if you are going to run gh and aas make sure you get a baseline check up. With a doc and close doctors supervision"
Note he said anabolics and gh not anabolics with gh. Having said that it should be noted that steroids, gh, and heck even resistance training in general to a lesser degree will have that effect. It also should be noted though that GH in high enough doses will cause all tissues to grow. That includes heart, brain, intestines ect and when combined with AAS that effect will be amplified. It is a risk we all take and the end of the day it's up to each of us to do our own risk/benefit analysis to determine if a certain protocol should be followed. Although based on my interpretation of his wording 3j didn't flat out say not to combine AAS and hgh his reccomendation of having a doctor Monitor any potential signs of cardiomegaly is spot on.
Ill pm him to see if he wouldn't mind coming back in here to clarify since I really hate putting words in someone's mouth...