anyone have experiance with biomed test 500


New member
basically what the title says just ordered some test 500 from biomed labs just wondering has anyone tried this lab or there test thanks
its coming tomorrow of a new source never used a test 500 before just seeing if anyone one has its supposed to be a blend of cypionate an enathate
i would just take it slow the first two weeks and only do half a ml just to see how your body reacts then if all is good bump it up. good luck.
your on three different test right now and going to drop one but go up on mg, then yeah youll be fine. its not going to hurt anything at all and you should still get good results. i know i havnt used it myself yet but its still pretty much the same as what you were on before minus one ester and up on mg so it should even out.
ino mate 100mgs aint that much really ita be a new ugl kab so it will proba be underdosed anyway haha
Hi mate, just got hold of a stack of biomed roids. How have yours gone? I am one week in on the dbol, and no signs at all yet.