anyone have no result with anavar ?


Got some anavar from a reliable source yet had no results besides maintaining weight without eating that much. No increase in strength or visual results. I had done a cycle before with another supplier and got tight and lost some weight that was almost all fat and had noticeable strength gains. Also in the past I had bad heartburn for the var. This time nothing at all. I started at 80mg then in week 7 I increased to 100mg with little to note except that my weight stayed up even with a calorie restricted diet. Anyone else have similar results from their Var?
Anavar is pretty mild for guys anyway. If you gain any weight by taking it alone, be thankful. It is a great add when stacked with other AAS. I have used it alone in the past as a sorta "bridge" between cycles and it helped to maintain my gains. I do like the way it makes my muscles feel fuller when I cycle with it so it does have a place. Like tx045 mentioned, you could always test it.
Plus at isn't like dbol where your going to so much notice it "kicking" in. But I guess if you have had a good experience with var in the past then you prolly know that.
If var was good it would still work without test people that always stay on test can do whatever we want without test and then just get on again.
If var was good it would still work without test.

^^ good point . Var only cycles for men , though frowned upon on this forum , can still be effective and natty shut down minimal (and hpta restart easily accomplished being there will be zero elevated estrogen).. Var does NOT need test to work .
I've had great results I gettin tighter and stronger on just var. Not major gains in size but i dieted and looked hard and more muscular. Test gallons my stomach with water weight
I've had great results I gettin tighter and stronger on just var. Not major gains in size but i dieted and looked hard and more muscular. Test gallons my stomach with water weight

Test doesn't do that...your diet and estrogen does
^^ good point . Var only cycles for men , though frowned upon on this forum , can still be effective and natty shut down minimal (and hpta restart easily accomplished being there will be zero elevated estrogen).. Var does NOT need test to work .

Fair enough but truth be told I don't buy into the minimal shut down thing at all imo shutdown is shut down some things shut you down hard and fast others take a bit of time and are a bit more gently in doing so if im taking any sort if aas I consider my natty test shutdown not half or a little bit shutdown I also don't use hcg so maybe that's why but I think it either slowly getting turned off or off
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To contribute, Var only should be effective with great diet and workout. I had remarkable result from var, and like I saw my obliques being shredded. I will advice you to refer back to your another supplier. Post your diet regime, and was it the same now and back then?
Diet wasn't as stringent and workout could have been better. Partly because i was on it for 10 weeks and saw little to show for it. The only thing I could see was I wasn't eating much and my weight stayed up. I wondered if it was under dosed. In the past I had bad heartburn and strength went up along with fat loss around midsection.
Fair enough but truth be told I don't buy into the minimal shut down thing at all imo shutdown is shut down some things shut you down hard and fast others take a bit of time and are a bit more gently in doing so if im taking any sort if aas I consider my natty test shutdown not half or a little bit shutdown I also don't use hcg so maybe that's why but I think it either slowly getting turned off or off

well you are correct in that 'shut down is shut down' . that is because shut down is 'binary' , meaning it is either on or off (like a light switch,, there is not 'dimmer' switch or in between) . however a lot of guys forget one very important factor in regards to shut down and recovery . ESTROGEN . if your estrogen is elevated then this will prevent natty test production . because test is the only way a mans body makes estrogen and test converts to estrogen ; if you have too much estrogen in your body , then your body will not signal natty test production. it will keep you shut down (cause it does not need anymore conversation to estrogen, so it simply will not produce more testosterone).

so, keeping the above in mind in regards to estrogen.. you can see why some guys more easily recover from a VAR cycle , cause var does not convert to estrogen at all. no elevated estrogen means natty test production will recover much quicker*

* and on a side note, I will have to look further into this, but there are some ideas that estrogen is largely responsible for shut down itself as well , not just restart issues (dave palumbo being one of those who advocate such things).

again , prob why experientially guys have ran var with what they clam to be 'minimal shut down' and very easy recovery. because there are zero estrogen issues with var . (of course there are other shut down issues to consider, but we cannot dismiss estrogens major role played on this topic)
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well you are correct in that 'shut down is shut down' . that is because shut down is 'binary' , meaning it is either on or off (like a light switch,, there is not 'dimmer' switch or in between) . however a lot of guys forget one very important factor in regards to shut down and recovery . ESTROGEN . if your estrogen is elevated then this will prevent natty test production . because test is the only way a mans body makes estrogen and test converts to estrogen ; if you have too much estrogen in your body , then your body will not signal natty test production. it will keep you shut down (cause it does not need anymore conversation to estrogen, so it simply will not produce more testosterone).

so, keeping the above in mind in regards to estrogen.. you can see why some guys more easily recover from a VAR cycle , cause var does not convert to estrogen at all. no elevated estrogen means natty test production will recover much quicker*

* and on a side note, I will have to look further into this, but there are some ideas that estrogen is largely responsible for shut down itself as well , not just restart issues (dave palumbo being one of those who advocate such things).

again , prob why experientially guys have ran var with what they clam to be 'minimal shut down' and very easy recovery. because there are zero estrogen issues with var . (of course there are other shut down issues to consider, but we cannot dismiss estrogens major role played on this topic)

Well there you go I had no idea that estrogen played such a major role in shut down that's really interesting I didn't know that high e2 kept you shutdown Defnitly something I'll have to read up on. So with all this in mind is that why var and Sarms can be taken alone without the need of a test base? And also would you still need a serm like tamoxifen for pct if only running these compounds ???
Very interesting