anyone have no result with anavar ?

Well there you go I had no idea that estrogen played such a major role in shut down that's really interesting I didn't know that high e2 kept you shutdown Definitely something I'll have to read up on.

good read as well.
Diet wasn't as stringent and workout could have been better. Partly because i was on it for 10 weeks and saw little to show for it. The only thing I could see was I wasn't eating much and my weight stayed up. I wondered if it was under dosed. In the past I had bad heartburn and strength went up along with fat loss around midsection.

I see a couple problems especially training could have been better if you have those thoughts you werent giving it everything you had. Also on var anything above 50mg should give you some pretty nasty pumps and skin sgould look tighter and overall just look more vascular. When you take any PED leave that 3 sets of 10 and throw it in the garbage. You have to train like a muther fucker you are no longer a normal average human you can recover alot easier.
Although I agree with your statement about training like an animal, you should take consideration into what ped's you are taking, experience, years training etc
Fair enough but truth be told I don't buy into the minimal shut down thing at all imo shutdown is shut down some things shut you down hard and fast others take a bit of time and are a bit more gently in doing so if im taking any sort if aas I consider my natty test shutdown not half or a little bit shutdown I also don't use hcg so maybe that's why but I think it either slowly getting turned off or off

Yes, shutdown is shut down. But there's also something called suppression. Var will suppress you at moderate doses, but in all takes quite some time to reach complete shutdown with var.
i have used it in my very first cycle ( 12 weeks ) the compounds used were var at 50 mlg per day the first 8 weeks and 80mlg per day the last 4, all coupled with sust at 250 mlg per week for the entire cycle.

diet was NOT super perfect ( cheated a lot ) and i have done only little cardio, due to extreame cramps ( wight training was 6 days a week ) and at the end of the cycle i had dropped 23 lbs of fat, kept all my mascle ( maybe added 1-2 lbs of muscle) and had a GREAT incres in strenght. so for my goals ( wich was loosing a big amount of fat while keeping all my muscles as a base for my next cycle wich was clean bulking) the rosoults were more than perfect.

note that both my meds were pharm grade tough. i cannot speak for faked stuff
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on var anything above 50mg should give you some pretty nasty pumps and skin should look tighter and overall just look more vascular.
depends on diet. you coulda been on test winny and var on a low cal or shitty diet and not notice much, iv seen it (while using same lab and batch) plus its mild but i LOVE var.
but if you did a var only cycle then thats your issue IMO... no test base
on var anything above 50mg should give you some pretty nasty pumps and skin should look tighter and overall just look more vascular.

I'm glad I read all the posts before responding. I agree with ^^ 100%.

When you find a good source, stick with it. Thanks to a source that I now trust completely, I know that my VAR sweet spot is 30-40mg/day max. If I switched to a new VAR source, and came to the conclusion that I needed more than 40mg/day, I'd toss what remained of said "VAR" in the garbage.

**Note: If you find yourself questioning something that you ingest on a daily basis, you should stop ingesting it..IMMEDIATELY.!!
Got some anavar from a reliable source yet had no results besides maintaining weight without eating that much. No increase in strength or visual results. I had done a cycle before with another supplier and got tight and lost some weight that was almost all fat and had noticeable strength gains. Also in the past I had bad heartburn for the var. This time nothing at all. I started at 80mg then in week 7 I increased to 100mg with little to note except that my weight stayed up even with a calorie restricted diet. Anyone else have similar results from their Var?

I personally find var useless and I've tried several brands. Ran it with test as well.
I personally find var useless and I've tried several brands. Ran it with test as well.

Your statement is useless, VAR is far from it.

And when you say that you "ran it (VAR) with test (Testosterone) as well"...what are you actually telling us?? .. Because it sounds like you're saying there are times that you blast without it (Test).

Testosterone is (& should always be) the foundation that every stack/blast is built..

Well then you've gotten bunk shit

^^ One would think.. but his statement certainly opens the door for "user error"

I as well have not seen much from it. Guess we both had bunk ...It's too bad cuz mine was from a reputable source as well :(

It's totally possible and plausible both of you had garbage VAR..
I have to admit, I kinda laughed when you said that you got bunk stuff ... from a "reputable" source.

I hope you don't consider them "reputable" anymore :tounge2:
No I switched to another source. I'm going to try again and see what happens

Your statement is useless, VAR is far from it.

And when you say that you "ran it (VAR) with test (Testosterone) as well"...what are you actually telling us?? .. Because it sounds like you're saying there are times that you blast without it (Test).

Testosterone is (& should always be) the foundation that every stack/blast is built..

^^ One would think.. but his statement certainly opens the door for "user error"

It's totally possible and plausible both of you had garbage VAR..
I have to admit, I kinda laughed when you said that you got bunk stuff ... from a "reputable" source.

I hope you don't consider them "reputable" anymore :tounge2:
well you are correct in that 'shut down is shut down' . that is because shut down is 'binary' , meaning it is either on or off (like a light switch,, there is not 'dimmer' switch or in between) .
actually it is more like a dimmer, not just on or off. it can get to that point depending on what you are taking, how long and other factors. but there is such thing as mild shutdown and heavy shutdown. it can bee seen in the LH levels etc.
BUT i do think generally its stupid to use any aas without a testbase, be it var or deca.