Anyone here eat salmon?


New member
I bought some today,just to try and see how I like it.Anyone have any tips for preparing this stuff so it tastes descent?Do you bake it,grill it,or pan fry it?I know I should have probably thought of all this before I bought it,but it was just one of those spur of the moment purchases.
grill it, if it is high quality server medium rare. Otherwise marinate before grilling. I love salmon
U can cook it any of those ways. I'd go w/either grilling or baking. If u bake it just put it on a big pan or cookie sheet or something like that and bake them at 350 degrees for 1/2 an hour on ea. side, BUT that was for some pretty big salmon that i've bought before, so if u get a smaller one it prob. wouldn't need to be baked as long. Good luck. Its not that hard to prepare. and very good 4 u. Enjoy
I can't stand fish, which is sad becuase its so good for you. I can tolerate tuna straight out of the can, but tuna doesn't really have very much healthy fat in it =(
I like salmon a lot. I usually bake it or broil it. Lemon pepper or a southern type of marinade work really well. One of my favorites is pest salmon. You take some basil pesto and spread it on top of the salmon. Then sprinkle grate parmesan cheese and cook to temp.
I like it baked, but I think it is best grilled on the barbie. I usually marinate it in teriyaki. Tonight I had some that the store had already rubbed with mesquite seasoning. It was great. The key (as with all seafood) is not to overcook it. As soon as it flakes easy with a fork and has changed color from red to more whitish, take it off and serve it. I usually cut into it to while it is cooking to test it.
I bake or BBQ it in some tinfoil with lemon juice, dill, and garlic. It tastes awesome and its very flavourful. Just make sure you get the wild salmon and not that farmed shit.
if u have a smoker, smoke that in thin slices and eat cold. otherwise i put it in foil inside a pressure cooker for many hours, comes out extra tender, bc normal baking makes it too rough IMO.