Anyone here have Parkinson's?


New member
In discovering that I had low testosterone and low DHEA, I entered into a TRT program. Some things got better. Certainly felt better. But I still had various symptoms. Because one of those symptoms was odd twitching in my index finger. I saw a neurologist, and with her observations and other tests, she suspected early onset Parkinson's. That sucked. Further response to Sinement (L-DOPA) in removing all of my symptoms confirmed that I have Parkinson's. I am only 35. UGH.

I am researching heavily on methods to slow/stop Parkinson's progression. Some clinical evidence suggests slowing is possible using various supplements that support mitochondria and brain function, as well as supplements that reduce neural toxins, neural swelling, and strong antioxidents. That is only informational to show that I am looking at everything and will be trying everything I can to keep myself functioning reasonably normal as long as I can. (CoQ10, NAC, L-Tyrosine, D3, Astaxanthin, Omega 3 (Krill), Chaga, Triterpenoids, Green Tea, Glutathione (GSH), Resveratrol, Amino Acids, Iron, Carnosine, Lipoic Acid, L-Carnitine, PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone), Curcumin, etc.)

Now on to the topic that is more specific to this forum's expertise.

I plan on continuing DHEA and T supplementation. I even found evidence that low DHEA and T can CAUSE Parkinson's! And evidence that raising T and DHEA can reverse Parkinson's (in monkeys).

Parkinson's in men may be linked to testosterone decline - Medical News Today
Combined Therapy for the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease. | Flintbox

Anyone else here managing Parkinson's Disease on TRT? Anyone know anyone who is on TRT and has Parkinson's?
The only way I could see low t/low dhea causing parkinsons is due to subsequent low e2 levels which is a MAOI to some extent.