Anyone know a good website that hides orders on credit card and shipping box?


New member
So people you live with wont see you bought prohoromones?

I dont want family seeing it on the box. And also. Parents monitor credit card despite the fact its my money. They dont nesscarly care if I spend money, I just know they would see what I buy.
how old are you?

That is a good question, cause it obvious you still live with parents. If its your own money then you must be working. So what? Your 16-19 yrs old? Well is it credit or debit? Cause you can go to a check cashing place and get a debit card so you can load money from your other account to that if your parents are that nosey. As far as shipping an being discreet just get a p.o. box at the post office.
Honestly its not so much me being attached to parents and not wanting to defy them as much as I just dont want my family teasing me and calling me a roid head. Because they already do for the fact I work out a lot and I have never done a cycle in my life of even prohoromones.
the only thing that will show up on the CC statement is where you ordered it from. the only thing on the shipping label is the same. as long as they don't open it up or see the invoice they'll never know the difference. even if they do see what it is most people don't know what it is.

my GF, friends, parents, roommates, etc. have all seen bottles of PHs out in my room and no one knows the difference. if they ask, tell them its something else. 99% of people won't look up the ingredient list because quite frankly they don't give a shit. just don't go around bragging you're on steroids and almost no one will know the difference.
the only thing that will show up on the cc statement is where you ordered it from. The only thing on the shipping label is the same. As long as they don't open it up or see the invoice they'll never know the difference. Even if they do see what it is most people don't know what it is.

My gf, friends, parents, roommates, etc. Have all seen bottles of phs out in my room and no one knows the difference. If they ask, tell them its something else. 99% of people won't look up the ingredient list because quite frankly they don't give a shit. Just don't go around bragging you're on steroids and almost no one will know the difference.
