Anyone know of any good AMV3 logs?


New member
I have been searching and searching for a good log on AndroMass V3. From the "sponsored" logs it seems pretty good. After 8wks 10+lbs etc. Anyone have any experince with this? I still have about a month or so until I can do a cycle of anything.

Any good logs around? Cant find any decent ones
I have been searching and searching for a good log on AndroMass V3. From the "sponsored" logs it seems pretty good. After 8wks 10+lbs etc. Anyone have any experince with this? I still have about a month or so until I can do a cycle of anything.

Any good logs around? Cant find any decent ones

This is the honest to God truth!!!! We found this random guy/kid post his AndroMass v2 review online...

This person had ZERO affiliation with us, and we tried hard to figure out who he is? He is no rep, or affiliate and apparently some random person who liked the product or maybe he is a wholesaler of ours and secretly did this????

We found him random while typing "AndroMass" into Youtube -- we saw it and were laughing hard because we literally had no clue who this person was and thought it was pretty cool

AndroMass Review

-- Anyways I know there are Mass v3 logs floating around I will post some here when I find them

Ight thanks brotha. Was thinking a beastdrol kicker for 4wks and running that with AMV3, I have heard good things, but no solid logs.
Ight thanks brotha. Was thinking a beastdrol kicker for 4wks and running that with AMV3, I have heard good things, but no solid logs.

Prime that liver before the harsh SD....liver juice is great for that.

I personally like trenazone, and would love to see a trenazone /Mass v3 stack.

Oh trust me I plan on it. I have just heard such great things about Beastdrol, and I see it is going to get band soon. So I thought I would try it before it is gone. But I will keep that in mind bro.
Right now I am pretty torn to be honest. The whole cycle looks interesting, but I would have to pay about 450 alone just for the AM and Beastdrol. When I have a chance to get a whole cycle of legit gear for almost 200 dollars less then that. I have a few weeks to decide yet.
This is the honest to God truth!!!! We found this random guy/kid post his AndroMass v2 review online...

This person had ZERO affiliation with us, and we tried hard to figure out who he is? He is no rep, or affiliate and apparently some random person who liked the product or maybe he is a wholesaler of ours and secretly did this????

We found him random while typing "AndroMass" into Youtube -- we saw it and were laughing hard because we literally had no clue who this person was and thought it was pretty cool

AndroMass Review

-- Anyways I know there are Mass v3 logs floating around I will post some here when I find them


I saw that video a while back. As much as I like to believe him, his before and after pics seem fishy. Looks as if he's aged in those few weeks. just sayin....:bsflag: not bashing the product but I think he's frauding the before pics. I'm hoping too blow up on androbulk+mass though.
I saw that video a while back. As much as I like to believe him, his before and after pics seem fishy. Looks as if he's aged in those few weeks. just sayin....:bsflag: not bashing the product but I think he's frauding the before pics. I'm hoping too blow up on androbulk+mass though.
Good luck with the cycle. As for the guy in the videos, I can't really say much because I don't know him.
Right now I am pretty torn to be honest. The whole cycle looks interesting, but I would have to pay about 450 alone just for the AM and Beastdrol. When I have a chance to get a whole cycle of legit gear for almost 200 dollars less then that. I have a few weeks to decide yet.

I hear you man --- if you think you have a solid source and are ready for AAS then do what you please.

SD is actually a very hardcore AAS so the same precautions should be considered when using "legit gear" or SD....

If you did NOT use beastdrol and ONLY Andro --- then you would have a better argument to pick one over the other --- because Andro wont be harsh on the organs, wont severely shut you down, and will be legal to obtain.

So it comes down to this :

If you want to use SD --- then just use safer injectables AAS or safer AndroSeries.

I think one of the things to keep in mind with SD, even more so than the hepatoxicity is the lipid effects. SD will plummet your HDL numbers.

I am not against SD usage, every hormone has its use, but it needs to be treated with respect.
I think one of the things to keep in mind with SD, even more so than the hepatoxicity is the lipid effects. SD will plummet your HDL numbers.

I am not against SD usage, every hormone has its use, but it needs to be treated with respect.

I've done 2 superdrol cycles, never again I'll put that toxic crap in my body.
As someone who has had a bottle, but never touched it, I understand. Its funny how many argue with every product in comparison to SD as if SD is the king of AAS.

Eh, gains are good but really I can achieve similar with longer and safer cycles which make the gains easier to keep.
Just an FYI --

I will be organizing more "genetically gifted" testers for our next round of beta we received numerous complaints about our first round of testers....

We went for the normal, everyday guy who lifts and wanted to get bigger....and now I will recruit guys who LOOK impressive....

Guys that may be only 160 lbs but super lean, nice muscle roundness and more motivating to watch because apparently the general public likes to see things that they want ----veins, deep cuts, nice muscle shape and symmetry etc,,,,

They wont be biased just like the first round --- if someone gains only 5 lbs, no strength increase etc.... so be it....we just like the blood work information to confirm product safety for the most part.

We all know hormones affect individuals differently.

and as far as SD goes, ive taken it twice before (a long time ago). gained 8 pounds in a week. will never touch anything other than the androseries again. these products are safe and u dont need a SERM. i think its worth the extra money....and the reps usually have a coupon anyways. id rather go to bed with a clean mind knowing im safe and an empty wallet than potentially waking up to yellow skin and eyes and having to go to the ER
and as far as SD goes, ive taken it twice before (a long time ago). gained 8 pounds in a week. will never touch anything other than the androseries again. these products are safe and u dont need a SERM. i think its worth the extra money....and the reps usually have a coupon anyways. id rather go to bed with a clean mind knowing im safe and an empty wallet than potentially waking up to yellow skin and eyes and having to go to the ER

Not that I agree with it necessarily, but Superdrol will be banned soon.