Anyone Recognize this stuff?


I am banned!
I have no intention of taking this substance; but, I'd like to know what it could be. The letters look to say MD or nvo or something. Does nolvadex turn to liquid like this over time? I have nolva in the same drawer that is still a nice fluffy powder. Anyways, got any ideas?
It looks like raw powder required in order to brew your own product. By the looks it may have been left out in the sun for too long. MD can mean anything, some suppliers use code words. It could mean Masteron Drostanolone.................that or its meth
It has been in my drawer for about 5 years. I have never bought masteron, eq, or long test esters. It is a hormone powder for sure I just don't know which it is.
How can any of us know for sure? Labmax it if you want to know for sure otherwise just throw it out.

CYP has a very low melting point. Probably the only one that will melt like that at room temp. Enanthate might too but it would have to be really warm in the lab.

I do not however suggest ingesting anything that isn't prescribed by a physician :)
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