Anyone try HMG on cycle or blast?

Test Rage

Skinny Mon
Has anyone ever run HMG on cycle or blast it before PCT? (Im aware of the cost)
Did you run it simultaneously with HCG?
Did you feel like it helped with a rapid and complete recovery? moreso than with HCG?
What dosage/frequency?
Anyone know if it is less suppressive of Hypothalamus-Pituitary connection than HCG and therefore would be better for PCT?

Ive have heard that it is more effective and less likely to cause estrogen issues than that of HCG.

Im aware the cost makes this less talked about. Just curious...
The reason for the supposed benefits you stated is because it has less impact on LH than HCG. I wouldnt use it in lieu of HCG but perhaps in conjunction with hcg (makes more sense financially with probable equal benefit). Perhaps hcg at a low dose during cycle (250iu's-2x/week)and up to 3 days pre pct and blast some HMG the week or 2 leading up to PCT alongside the HCG might make some sense to me. Perhaps even drop the HCG and replace with HMG the final 2 weeks leading up to 3 days pre pct. Just a couple thoughts.
The reason for the supposed benefits you stated is because it has less impact on LH than HCG. I wouldnt use it in lieu of HCG but perhaps in conjunction with hcg (makes more sense financially with probable equal benefit). Perhaps hcg at a low dose during cycle (250iu's-2x/week)and up to 3 days pre pct and blast some HMG the week or 2 leading up to PCT alongside the HCG might make some sense to me. Perhaps even drop the HCG and replace with HMG the final 2 weeks leading up to 3 days pre pct. Just a couple thoughts.

Blasting sounds good to me. On my first cycle I will be ending with short esters so im thinking of blasting it along HCG for the last week of cycle and then the few dayss until PCT. I will be running HCG 250iu twice weekly all the way from day one. Also what is your opinion of Naltrexone? I know there isnt a ton on it but I want to experiment in one of my cycles and run it at 10 mg per day on cycle. And drop the dose of HCG down to 100iu twice weekly. Im hoping to see no atrophy. If I have any atrophy I will increase HCG. If none next time I will attempt without HCG! call me crazy but its intriguing to think that a few people have done it and had some success.
I know of its touted benfits at a low dose as far as preventing hpta shutdown. AFAIK this stems from a study done on females and its effects so the evidence it translates over to males on cycle is at this point anecdotal but that doesnt mean it doesnt work. I havent tried it personally so I cant comment on it with any accuracy.
from what ive read hcg and hmg work differently. i havent seen a protocol on the web that says to use hmg during cycle. only thing ive seen is hcg during cycle and hmg is incorporated into a pct
from what ive read hcg and hmg work differently. i havent seen a protocol on the web that says to use hmg during cycle. only thing ive seen is hcg during cycle and hmg is incorporated into a pct

HMG isn't as well known as HCG is but HMG has the added benefit of stimulating spermatogenesis