Anyone use BD products?


New member
Im thinking of getting a few Brit Dragon items. Anyone used them?

In particular, their Durabol(NPP),tren depot(New parabolan), test, and anavar.

Ive had both test cyp and anadrol 100s both worked great for me...IMO best on the market.
They have great products, I have used there Winstrol (winny), Anavar and D Bol. I liked all there products, I have also heard great things about there Oils.
Striation said:
Im thinking of getting a few Brit Dragon items. Anyone used them?

In particular, their Durabol(NPP),tren depot(New parabolan), test, and anavar.

very solid products
I have used the cyp.
very good

currently on the EQ

will be trying the prop end of summer

gets my thumbs up!
For this time there are two producers which call themselves as BD.

One from these produces only drugs in tablets:
Androlic-50 (small green packs 20 tab 50mg), Parabolan Tablets (small orange pack 20 tab 25mg), Anabol (pink pentagons 5mg), Stanabol (yellow pentagons 5mg).

Second producer has an assortment :
Decabol 250 mg/ml, Boldabol 200mg/ml, Trenobol 75mg/ml (Trenbolone acetate), Trenobol Depot 100mg/ml (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate), Mastabol 50mg/ml and 100 mg/ml, Testabol Depot 200mg/ml, Testabol propionat 100mg/ml, Durabol 100mg/ml.

and tablets
Methanabol 10mg/tab, Stanabol 10mg/tab, Oxanabol 10mg/tab (also these preparations exist in versions 50mg in one tablet),
Oxydrol-50 and Oxydrol-100, Anastrozole 1mg/tab (analog Arimidex).

By experiense of use, all drugs from the second producers have had a
very good quality. It is a pity, but on the label of injection drugs not
always indicated correctly. For Mastabol it is indicated
Dromastanolone (it is incorrectly). For some bottles a volume indicated
by 20 ml. But all from these drugs have had a good quality in
spite of these small demerits.

Personally I think that anabol 5 mg and androlic-50 (green pack 20tab) - not best preparations.
Used there tren and have a bottle of mastabol waiting to be used. Tren was great, it was my first time so I cant really compare to others but it was definatly great.
BD has no plans to release a primob clone, raw ingredient is still too expensive.

Latest product they have introduce are "Turanabol" their version of turinabol in 10mg tabs ( dark pink colour ).
newsbc said:
BD has no plans to release a primob clone, raw ingredient is still too expensive.

Latest product they have introduce are "Turanabol" their version of turinabol in 10mg tabs ( dark pink colour ).

Are you sure about the primo bro? I heard different?
newsbc said:

Latest product they have introduce are "Turanabol" their version of turinabol in 10mg tabs ( dark pink colour ).

No one I know has heard of these turanabol tabs, where did you read it?