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The Ultimate “Diet Pill” Specifically Developed For The
Significantly Overweight
When you’re more than 20 pounds overweight and tired of wasting money on one ordinary “diet pill” after another… and every diet plan has failed.
For the millions of Americans who are significantly overweight (more than 20 lbs. of excess body weight and/or a BMI [body mass index] greater than 27) there is simply no longer any way to deny the genetic link to obesity.* That’s why ordinary diet pills and so-called “fat magnets” (if they work at all) so often fail to help the significantly overweight. The genetic link to obesity also means that repeated diet failure and chronic overweight is not your fault. Unless a weight-control compound addresses the genetic factor –– and helps you overcome your genetic predisposition to obesity –– your attempts at weight loss become no more than an exercise in futility (and a waste of time and money).
But now there’s Leptopril™ –– the first weight-control compound designed to mitigate the profound effect that variations in the human genetic code have on the storage, use, and disposition of body weight and body fat. In addition to its caloric-restriction compound, Leptopril contains powerful stimulants that help overcome diet fatigue and provide the energy you want and need throughout the day. Remember: Leptopril is an extremely powerful anorectic agent and is not intended for use by the casual dieter who is merely attempting to shed five or ten “vanity” pounds. However, if substantial, excess body fat is adversely affecting your health and self-esteem, then Leptopril can provide serious help. Leptopril –– the first comprehensive weight-loss compound designed specifically to help overcome your genetic predisposition. Leptopril is protected by U.S. Patent No. 5,945,107.
Men and women who use Leptopril consider it one of the greatest weight-loss discoveries ever. Leptopril helps you overcome your difficult weight-loss problems while helping you regain the attractive, healthy-looking body you thought was gone forever.
Once you’ve experienced the power of Leptopril, be sure to tell your friends! Remember: people who suffer from hypertension, diabetes, high blood pressure, who are sensitive to stimulants, or who are taking aspirin or MAO inhibitors should not take Leptopril. Consult your health-care professional before starting any weight-loss program. If your health-care professional has any questions about Leptopril, have him or her call our customer service department at 1-800-418-9446.
* For additional information, see “The human obesity gene map: The 2001 update.” Rankinen, T. et al, Obesity Research 10(3), 2002 pp 196-243.