Anyone used M Drol?


New member
Has anyone had any experience with this stuff? I got 6 bottles for free but not sure whether i even wanna use it or not.
yes its a prosteroid, its a derivative of methsterone, if you take it make sure you have cycle support ie BP support liver support and a PCT lined up to get your free test levels back up.
yes its a prosteroid, its a derivative of methsterone, if you take it make sure you have cycle support ie BP support liver support and a post cycle therapy (pct) lined up to get your free test levels back up.

Its a very potent designer, very harsh on lipids, and very good for gaining mass.

Because of this i useda lower dose than many, 10mg for 3 weeks as a burst cycle, and gained 13lbs, kept calories just above maintenance, kept 11 lbs after a good post cycle therapy (pct), tremendous strength gains.

As orbit said, its supposedly a derirative of the dht steroid methasteron, or masterone.
But to be honest its not very androgenic as studies have proven, but it is incredibly anabolic.

It super saturates the progestin receptor so it shuts you down hard, and saturates the androgen, but its rare to see androgenic sides other than oily skin, and throbbing in the prostrate, to illustrate helladrol is more androgenic. And thats pretty mild.

Just eat a lot of carbs, slow release ones like oats as its a carb monster, and it really needs to be dosed 45 mins before food is eaten, to make the most of the nutrient repartioning effects. Its half life is considered to be 5 hours.

Run milk thistle for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after at 1000mg a day, and dont run m-drol the superdol clone for more than 3 weeks, as it reaches plasma peak after 10 days and starts to subside at 18 days.
I ran it for 3 weeks at 10/10/10. Gained 10lbs initially and kept 7lbs of it. Russianstar pretty much nailed it on the head. You blow up fast, increase in strength, retain some water weight, and keep most of it with a solid PCT. As he stated, shuts you down pretty hard and very liver toxic. Run milk thistle, hawthorne berries (BP), and keep fish/flax oil intake high as they help your lipid profile
What you guys think for post cycle therapy (pct)? Clomid 50/50/50/50? Also I started this a few days ago at 20mg ED. I didnt know to start the milk thistle a couple weeks before. Should I still use it at this point?
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Yes 50/50/50/50 is gtg and I would incorporate 1000mg of milk thistle daily from here on out


Id never use nolva for a progestin based steroid, as it can make the sides worse, so clomid is a great choice.

Not pushing a product, but something that will help you great through pct is hcgenerate, its got fadogia extract it stimulates the leydig cells to produce test, and its a solid supp great to run alongside clomid.

Its amazing the gains you can get of 10mg.
I had incredible results from mdrol. I went 10/20/20 then nolva 20/20/10/10 and kept almost all my gains. It is supposed to be very liver toxic and I ran cycle support throughout my cycle.

Def a calorie monster. I ate like it was the last food I'd ever taste and had incredible gains. Enjoy!
Its a very potent designer, very harsh on lipids, and very good for gaining mass.

Because of this i useda lower dose than many, 10mg for 3 weeks as a burst cycle, and gained 13lbs, kept calories just above maintenance, kept 11 lbs after a good pct, tremendous strength gains.

As orbit said, its supposedly a derirative of the dht steroid methasteron, or masterone.
But to be honest its not very androgenic as studies have proven, but it is incredibly anabolic.

It super saturates the progestin receptor so it shuts you down hard, and saturates the androgen, but its rare to see androgenic sides other than oily skin, and throbbing in the prostrate, to illustrate helladrol is more androgenic. And thats pretty mild.

Just eat a lot of carbs, slow release ones like oats as its a carb monster, and it really needs to be dosed 45 mins before food is eaten, to make the most of the nutrient repartioning effects. Its half life is considered to be 5 hours.

Run milk thistle for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after at 1000mg a day, and dont run m-drol the superdol clone for more than 3 weeks, as it reaches plasma peak after 10 days and starts to subside at 18 days.

ok I'm a hair confused .obviously there are major differences between M-drol & masterone.As you said mast is a dht derivative but shound have no progesteronic sides. Off the top of my head I can think of tren & deca (or NPP) that give major progesteronic sides .You should never mix tren with test & deca or you'll be on the boobie train . Actually you could get away with it with letrozole as it combats both progesterone & estragen sides.typically for progesterone sides either bromocriptine or letrozole. Ok I'm way off track here.Anyhow does M drol have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) effect like masterone?
masterone was developed as an anti breast cancer drug. Techniqually it combats both estragenic & progesteronic sides & when combined with tamoxifen it does a better job of initially shrinking breast cancer tumors than chemo.Masterone is thought to significantly impair the aramitase enzyme & seems to combine with estragen to block the estragen recepters. Hense it acts as a powerful AI.Actually letrozole & masterone will block both est & prog sides.Being a dht derivative masterone will give you oily skin/hair loss /enlarged prostate . Although of all the DHT products mast seems sides friendly.
Also usually masterone is more associated with a cutting cycle as opposed to a bulker.Now dht products will require an anti side like finasteride if one is susceptable or taking huge quantities.
Obviously everyone here got mass gains from mdrol sdo I don't doubt that it works I'm just wondering if masterone is what you really end up with.
no disrespect intended ,I'm just curious