Appetite suppressant?


New member
Are there any good appetite suppressants that really work? I went from bulking too cutting too drastically and i'm starving all day long, plus increased caloric expenditure from cardio isn't helping. I need
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i am using lipo 6 and its worked real good for me... i went from 158 to 147 in about a month and using very minimal amount.... about 2 to 3 pills a day at the most....1 with breakfast and 1 with lunch and maybe 1 later in the day if i feel like it... and your supposed to use 2 pills every time but 1 works for me... any more than that and i feel like im on crank if i could guess what it would feel like
adderol. i just took one a lil while ago to bang out a paper, and i was starving, and now the thought of food is repulsive.

hoodia is an appetite suppressant i think?

also there is this little thing called self-control.
I've heard good things about Hoodia as well.
Ephedrine totally cuts my appetite. I've not tried the Hoodia myself but have friends that rate it.
Yeah, Adderal is hands-down the best appetite suppressant but it's hard to get and probably expensive. E/C/A stack is tried & true...especially with some extra thyroid up in the mix...