Appreciate any input into my planned diet (trying to combine IF + Carb Cycling)


New member
Hello everyone, first time ever starting a thread. I'm trying to start a new diet after my last breakup, was recently in a motorbike accident and laid up for a few weeks with injuries and depression. Before the accident I was at:

Age: 29
Height: 5'11 / 181 cm
Weight: 191 lbs / 86.8 kg
BF%: 14%

I did primarily muay thai and judo as my exercise 5 times a week, I'd piss around in the gym doing a circuit but in all honesty it was rather shallow and not well planned. The gyms here in Thailand are not the most well stocked with squat racks, deadlift platforms, etc. They really like machines here. But I was in fair shape.

After my accident I blew the f'k up, it was disgusting as I didn't hit the gym and wallowed in self pity. I would have to guess that I lost quite a bit of muscle mass:

Weight: 220 lbs / 100 kg
BF%: 30+% (estimated from body fat pictures here on the forum)

A few months back I decided it was time for a change and started doing cardio and a restricted calorie diet (same foods but smaller portions). The last straw was my ex-gf who dumped me and immediately was dating someone else the next week LOL. Inspirational in a way. My current weight stats are as follows:

Weight: 183.7 lbs / 83.5 kg
BF%: Not entirely sure but I'd guess between 19-24% (again estimated from photos)

So here are the components of my proposed diet (sometimes numbers were rounded):

Chicken breast 200g---Cal 230-----Pro 43g------------------------Fat 6.4g
170g sweet potato----Cal 160-----Pro 4g------Carb 37g--Fiber 6g-----
100g broccoli----------Cal 35------Pro 2g------Carb 7g---Fiber 3g----
CB, SP, BR meal-------Cal 425-----Pro 49g-----Carb 44g--Fiber 9g-Fat 6.4g

2 per day equals:
2meals----------------Cal 850----Pro 98g----Carb 88g-Fiber 18g-Fat 12.8g

Plus a lower carb version omitting the sweet potato:
CB & BR meal (no SP)--Cal 265----Pro 45g----Carb 7g--Fiber 3g---Fat 6.4g

Standard whey shake with water:
Whey shake-----------Cal 130---Pro 25g-----Carb 4g--Fiber 2g---Fat 2g

Fresh coconut shake (perk of living in Thailand, cheap coconuts everywhere)
Coconut shake--------Cal 246---Pro 5g------Carb 18g--Fiber 4g--Fat 17g

I will have 5 low carb days and 2 high carb days per week that correspond with my new workout program. So heavy work days = high carb days, the regular days = low carb days

Low Carb Day

Whey shake------Cal 130-----Pro 25g-----Carb 4g----Fiber 2g---Fat 2g
Coconut shake---Cal 246-----Pro 5g------Carb 18g---Fiber 4g---Fat 17g
CB & BR meal-----Cal 265-----Pro 45g-----Carb 7g----Fiber 3g---Fat 6.4g
2 meals----------Cal 850-----Pro 98g-----Carb 88g---Fiber 18g--Fat 12.8g
Day total--------Cal 1500----Pro 173g----Carb 117g--Fiber 27g--Fat 38.2g
X Cal:------------------------692---------468------------------343.8
Macro %----------------------46.1--------31.2------------------22.9

High Carb Day

3 meals----------Cal 1289---Pro 147g---Carb 132----Fiber 27g---Fat 19.2g
.5 cup 1% milk---Cal 45------Pro 4g-----Carb 6g-----------------------
Oats (dry)100g--Cal 380-----Pro 26g----Carb 70g---Fiber 20g----Fat 14g
Whey shake-----Cal 130-----Pro 25g----Carb 4g----Fiber 2g-----Fat 2g
Day total--------Cal 1844---Pro 202g---Carb 212---Fiber 49g----Fat 35.2g
X Cal:-----------------------808--------848---------------------316.8
Macro %---------------------43.8--------46----------------------17

I will also throw in some leafy greens and veggies, about 1 regular bowl per day with lemon juice and pepper for fiber and nutrients. I would appreciate any help, criticism, insight that anyone can give me. For supplements I thought fish oil 2 times per day and a multi but not sure about what else. Vitamin D? I'm not entirely sure...

If there is any other information, like the workout routine I'll be on or anything else I forgot please remind me.

Thanks for any input!
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why IF, thats the first question

To be honest-curiosity more than anything else. After seeing the Horizons TV documentary on fasting, reading a couple blogs (bulletproof, daily apple, berardi,chaos and pain, etc.) I thought I'd give it a try considering my high bf%, I've eaten like this before in university without knowing what it was called back then. I've never been uncomfortable eating in such a way. It also fits in quite well with my work schedule as I work from from 12-8pm with three 10 minute breaks. So my schedule would look like this:

Wake Up: 7:30 am

Fasted Cardio: 8-8:30

Prepare my meals for the day: 9-10:30

Coconut shake: 12:00

Meal 1: 4:00

Meal 2: 6:00

Whey Shake: 8:00

Workout: 8:30-9:30

Meal 3: 9:30

Sleep: 10:30

Any suggestions? Am I an idiot? I know you're the man 3J and any insight would be much appreciated.
so my next concern in your caloric intake.. why so low??

i use that intake to cut my females for contest prep
I think I'm too fat, and besides my morning cardio I don't really do anything too strenuous. My job is not physical at all and if I'm totally honest I don't feel as if I give the same effort in the gym compared to others, I see others go balls out and yelling and describing the pump that they feel. I feel none of that, I just go through the motions-I've never felt that euphoria feeling that others describe when lifting weights,sad to say. I do kind of have a similar feeling when doing muay thai, judo or wrestling but for weightlifting I just don't feel it.

At my current weight and body fat %, I thought the calories and macros sufficient as my lbm should be approximately 140 lbs/63.6 kg:

.9 x 184 = 173 g protein (.82 is the number I kept hearing over and over so used that as my base plus a little extra to stave off hunger)

1.1 x 184 = 202 g protein (I know Aragorn and others recommend higher but that's for serious athletes, I'm just a normal guy trying to prevent any catabolism)

35-40 g fat (I'll be honest and say that I picked this at random after finding .35-.45g fat per lbm and tuned it down a bit)

.83 x 140 =117 g carbs (rounded up, low carb day, wanted to keep this in proportion with protein but using my lbm)

1.5 x 140 = 212 g carbs (rounded up, high carb day, nearly double my low carb day as this is supposed to be my heavy day at the gym)

What macro's do you think I should raise and by how much?
with the stats you gave i have your basil ********* rate at 1982..

with the amount of exercise your TDEE should be around 2974...

you should be cutting at around 2300-2500 calories.. you are starving yourself.. youre going to lose muscle. youre going to stall due to starvation