APS Pharmacy?


On the backside of 40...
Anyone had dealings with APS Pharmacy out of S. Florida?

They are of course, legit as it's where my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) stuff comes from but I'm beginning to wonder about whether their dosage is really what's printed on the label...

I did a "Search" here but only one post came up from back in 2008.
i hope you get this Greybeard...ive been taking their test prop 500 mg/week for a month and dont notice much strength gain and very minimally physically (looks wise)...wats the deal??? i got anavar injection too and the actual product (white at the bottom) looks very small...please respond!!!
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I used their products on my last protocol and loved it. I used their Super Test, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), HCG and two orals. For me they worked and I got great results. Hope this helps.
Super Test is the pharmacy's name for their test blend. It's 250mg/ml (100 test e/100 test c/50 test prop). The Aromatase inhibitor (AI) was anastrozole (actually still using this). The Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is dosed at 1mg/cap. I know the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) works because I crashed my E a couple times while trying to get it dialed in.
i along with others had qc issues with their t-cyp back when i was with spectrum. when i placed orders i specified nothing from aps.

that doesnt mean their other stuff is no good though, just sayin. coulda just been a bad batch
Thank for any info.

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