Are my prohormones still good?


New member
I have 2 bottles of pro-hormones that I bought before the original ban back in '95? I think.
I opened them up, and they have been sitting in my cabinets all these years. Unfortunatly my girlfriend split up the pills in to my cycle, and put them into daily reminder containers.
Now i don't know which is which. So i think they are all mixed up.
They are as follows:
Gaspari Nutrition Methyl-D
Gaspari Nutrition Pro-Turinbol

1. Should i just take em as directed on the back, even though they are kinda mixed up

2. Chalk it up as a loss.

3. Are these any good anymore?

4. is there a way to tell them apart they have the same shape and size?

Thanks guys... Looking to get back into it.
All PH's lose there potency after 'X' amount of years. Most start to grow crystals that can be easily seen on the pills themselves. This has happened to me a few times with a PH that I have used on a regular basis. I just doubled the dosage (but that might not be safe if you have never used that particular PH that is expired).

Sorry that I couldn't answer any of your other questions.