are steroids and health problems over rated?

actually, the health effects are way UNDERRATED! you should stop now and send me all your gear!
very much over rated. the problem is that most newbies used crazy doses without any precaution. Used properly Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) can be very beneficial.
I've never really experienced "roid rage" but I do get irritable, which hardly ever happens when I'm off cycle. I get annoyed whether I'm on or off when people say stupid shit about steroids. There was a guy on my team who has been talking about taking steroids. Since I've taken them before, I tried to talk with him a little about it. I asked him what he wants to take and he looked at me with a blank stare. It turns out he doesn't even know the names of any fucking steroids, has no idea about cutting, bulking, pct; the dumbass had never even heard of dbol. Then this dipshit asked me "does it shrink your penis?"

Sometimes it's just hard dealing with totally ignorant fucks :shoot2: