Are 'sweat belts' any good?


New member
I have gotten used to using one because it supports my lower back during cardio...I use a regular weight belt for lifting.

But I wonder if there's any proof whether it actually does anything for reducing abdominal fat.

I am down to 15% bfp but no definition so far...I guess it is true 'abs are made in the kitchen - not in the gym'.
stealth said:
I have gotten used to using one because it supports my lower back during cardio...I use a regular weight belt for lifting.

The only problem I have with this is that it can possibly restrict blood flow to other parts of the body.......depending on how tight you have it around your waist though.
I don't think they help. I was a fat kid all my life and my parents tried all kinds of shit on me when I was little, Fat belt included. It didn't work. To see abs you need to get down to about 10% BF. Your last statement was correct though. Abs ARE made in the kitchen. Once you get to a certain BF say below 8%, a few sets of crunches and some hanging leg raises every few days are all you need to get great abs. I'd say diet is about 85% of the abs equation.
The sweat belts only help you lose water. It's not a permanent loss though. Just keep your diet clean and train hard and soon you'll see those abs you're looking for. :)