Are these sides from the testosterone?w


New member
3 weeks ago I started TRT. I currently get one shot of test cyp 200mg every other week. I've had two shots so far. Anyways a few days ago I noticed that my urine color is a lot darker than normal, it is more yellow. Also I have had little to no appetite for the last few days. I'm dieting and usually I'm looking at the clock waiting for my next meal to come but lately I have to force myself to eat. Like I said I'm trying to lose weight but this last week I've lost about 5lbs. Also I feel like my blood pressure is high because I can feel my heart beating in my chest even when laying in bed sometimes. I can also tell a big difference in energy. I almost always feel kinda jacked up. One of the more annoying things is my sex drive. Omg it's been ridiculous. If the freaking wind hits me the wrong way I'm like whoa easy boy!! Lol. All I can think about is women. I know some of these are testosterone related like the sex drive but what about the others? Also I haven't had a 2nd lab done yet. I plan on doing that soon. Also I am 30yr old if that helps. Thanks guys.
Stop freaking out. If you think your blood pressure is high then check it. If you are having heart palpitations then I think it is in your head. At any rate you seem to be anxious and that's in your heaed.
AS far as sex drive that is normal.

I'm 64 and when on cycle dose I'm a horny dog and could fuck anything at anytime and that's when the wind isn't blowing. Ha!!!

Settle down you dog :)
Darker urine means you need to drink more water.

Increased libido is normal when you start PCT.

Don't guess on your BP. Get a monitor (they are cheap) and check it. Increased BP could be a sign that your estradiol and hematocrit are elevated. This is an common side effect on TRT.

You are on a really bad TRT protocol. They stopped doing one injection every 14 days a long time ago. I recommend that you read the Basic TRT Overview sticky for more info on a better protocol, estradiol and hematocrit.
not sure where you live, but here every pharmacy has a sit down one you can use for free (canada)

Must have lumberjack size cuffs in Canada, I *think* I can fit my forearm in the ones here in the States. :(

Omron makes some decent ones that run between 35 and 60+ bucks OP. I have a 70 dollar one that comes with a real-person-sized cuff, and it lines up pretty well with the one my doc uses.

Testosterone will make you hungry by the way, you just haven't been on long enough yet to see the full benefits of TRT. I do agree with Tron - you need to give that thread he linked a good hard read.

Far too many doctors are clueless, so you will have to educate yourself in order to become your own best health care advocate.

My .02c :)