Argue with me about "Bridging"


New member
Not sure if i can post links to other websites so if you want a reference google "the dianabol bridge".
Basically this guy is saying if you dose 10mg of d-bol in the morning when you get your morning "surge" of testosterone you will "trick" your body into not shutting down or down regulating your hpta. His claim is to use the above method following your normal PCT and run chlomid, nolva, proviron AND HCG with your d-bol; because of it's anti-catabolic properties you can essentially hold onto all your gains from your cycle.

Now the reason i'm wanting more insight on this is because all the classic bodybuilders such as Arnold and Franco admitted to continuously runnind dbol (the breakfast of champions). I'm in no way considering running his above protocol i just want to know what you other members think about it. He says he personally tried the method and got blood work to prove it works. Wouldn't adding the exogenous hormone for extended peroids of time still shut you down thus not allowing you to ever fully recover from the previous cycle? Or do you truly believe in being able to "piggy-back" the morning testosterone surge and "tricking" the body into not shutting down or suppressing.

Is this a descent theory thats credible or is it horse poop?
Below is the "cliff notes" from the "study" this guy did.

The 10mgs of dianabol will cause a testosterone
spike WHICH COINCIDES WITH the testosterone
released ENDOGENEOUSLY in the AM by the testes.

The body will be partially fooled.
It will not entirely detect the increased levels of testosterone
(above the normal test sipke), thus LH function WILL
REMAIN only partially(Very little actually) suppressed


LH is allowed to SLOWLY RECOVER over time as
testosterone levels are kept at a level which
will not cause muscle-loss. Also, dball's anti-catabolic effects
will reduce protein degradation.(Via cortisone


The bridge should last 8 weeks, NO LESS.
I also have to say, that it WILL NOT restore
complete LH function. It'll get you 80-90%
of the way there but the only way you're going
to get your full LH function back is if you go OFF
Anavar WILL NOT restore LH completely either btw.
(In case anybody is wondering.)
The difference is that with anavar you can take it
throughout the day and with dball it HAS TO BE
once in the AM.

ok, in the second post someone posted a study showing a measly 15mg dose of dbol for two months dropped plasma testosterone levels by 69% and the mean plasma levels of LH and FSH both dropped about 50%. This is where he does some math and I get lost. Anyway he claims :


So, I had to test it on myself and get bloodwork done.

And it WORKED. Yes, it WORKED. My test levels INCREASED while on the Dball AM bridge while my LH slowly recuperated, when compared to pre-main cycle levels.

In the end this is what he recommends:


AM Dball Bridge cycle: 8 weeks

#1.Start Bridge at 10mg Dball in the AM upon waking up.
#2 Make damn sure you take the 10mg dball at the same damn
time every day. As soon as you wake up. This wake up time
(if 8 or 9 or 10 AM) must be used for the rest of
the bridge(8 weeks)(Circadian Rhythm is VERY important to
the success of the bridge)
#3 Proviron at 25mgs/day(LH booster)
#4 Arimidex at 1mg ED or more.(2mg is as high as I would go).
#5 HCG at 5000IU’s 2X/week on Weeks 5,6,7,8(Endo Test
#6 Clomid at 300mgs Day 1, and then 100mgs/day from then on
until the end of the bridge(LH and FSH Booster)

End result: Test levels HIGHER than pre-main cycle levels…by roughly 20% (Most definately in the normal range), and a normal LH function.
Even better: NO DAMN MUSCLE LOST while coming off the bridge.
Almost EVERY single post-cycle therapy out there causes you to lose muscle(Except for GH/Slin/IGF-1). PERIOD. Well guess what? This one doesn’t.

There, I scientifically and mathematically wise PROVED that the AM Dball Bridge works.
Oh God LOL. Just when I thought I had seen it all, another gem appears.

Okay, so let's start with the basics:

1. Dianabol is a form of AAS, derived from the testosterone molecule.
2. Dianabol is a methylated oral.
3. Dianabol is NOT testosterone, and cannot be used by the body as such.
4. The male human body has a very specific reaction to exogenous androgens. This reaction triggers what is known as the negative feedback loop; whereby ZERO endogenous production is possible. This loop remains closed until the body no longer detects the androgen, and then starts to allow the flow of pituitary hormones once again. (a little more to it than that, but this is the cliff's version)
5. Bridging has a very limited function. That function is to keep the body anabolic between cycles. It is an old school idea that's less efficient than B&C, as it had been found keeping the body suppressed (that pesky negative feedback loop) without a steady source of testosterone caused a net LOSS over time.
6. The male human body requires testosterone to maintain several systems. These include the thyroid, parathyroid, sympathetic, pancreatic, adrenal, and many others. Without testosterone, these systems suffer - potentially leading to issues such as anxiety, diabetes, adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, et cetera.

I could probably keep going, but the dude that thought this up clearly doesn't understand how the body works. You don't suppress your body on a liver toxic compound for the MONTHS between cycles, you either PCT, or cruise with test plus whatever strikes your fancy.

There's no tricking the pituitary, outside playing "guess what my estradiol REALLY is?" with SERMs. Just a silly idea all around. :p

My .02c :)
I was thinking the exact same thing. I just dont understand how someone can restore to 80-90% of pre cycle levels when they are still techniclly "on" cycle while running an exogenous hormone such as d-bol. This guy posted his theory and the "proof" behind it ALL over the place. In theory it sounds just incredible that someone could succesfully do it but in reality and scientifically it didn't make any sense to me.
Plus the fact that he says the half life of d-bol would mean 10mg 4hrs-5mg 4hrs- 2.5mg (in the blood) would prove your body is constantly using the steroid and it's not just a "surge" that can be used for only an hour while testosterone is naturally "surging". He sais multiple things to contradict his claims but either way i wanted to share it with Ology and see your thoughts.
The whole article really had me wondering if he actually tried it or if he was just guessing what would happen based off of a hypothesis and a little bit of bro-science to back it up.

Thanks for the insight HW!
One line that ticked me off is
" WILL NOT restore
complete LH function. It'll get you 80-90%
of the way there......"

This 80-90% is an accurate number that one guy doing one or two blood tests came up with?????? Even a real scientific study will usually determine a number within a + or minus range and this is based off of multiple test subjects over years of research..... its just regoddamndiculous!
Yep, just a bro-scientist making shit up as he went. 90% restoration of LH lmao. I have a feeling that some kid was doing this, and noticed that the scale didn't move. Of course it's water from the dbol keeping him all plump, but it was likely thought to be muscle mass.

Hence the miracle bridge was born. Uhhh... Tadaa! :wiggle:
"regoddamndiculous" this term essentially sums up his whole expirement!
I agree HW he was prolly still just full of water and his joints were all lubed up so he threw some numbers together to look like he's totally fine and infact BETTER than he was pre-cycle.

I cringe imagining all these ignorant people who read what he said and without any further questioning or research jumped on board and did it. Running a PCT then jumping essentially straight into another cycle of just dbol just makes me salivate between the knees. Everyone knows oral only cycles are what put on the REAL MASS BRO!
"regoddamndiculous" this term essentially sums up his whole expirement!
I agree HW he was prolly still just full of water and his joints were all lubed up so he threw some numbers together to look like he's totally fine and infact BETTER than he was pre-cycle.

I cringe imagining all these ignorant people who read what he said and without any further questioning or research jumped on board and did it. Running a PCT then jumping essentially straight into another cycle of just dbol just makes me salivate between the knees. Everyone knows oral only cycles are what put on the REAL MASS BRO!

It's why I'm here, loooong after I learned enough to take care of my own personal cycles. I see too much crap info out there, and it helps the entire community if we spread the truth.

Sadly some boards are full of nutters that insist on bro-science being gospel. Luckily, there's enough of us here to keep that from happening.
It's why I'm here, loooong after I learned enough to take care of my own personal cycles. I see too much crap info out there, and it helps the entire community if we spread the truth.

Sadly some boards are full of nutters that insist on bro-science being gospel. Luckily, there's enough of us here to keep that from happening.
So good to see this here thanks!