Arimidex w/ Anavar or by-itself
Ok, I have a 1mg/ml batch of arimidex solution in 190 proof. I am wanting to do some anavar. Would or could I dilute the arimidex down with some more 190 and put in with it the arimidex so I could get in the daily split dose of anavar and also still get my 1mg/day of arimidex, or would I do better to make the anavar alone. What would be the best route here, and any recipe help would really help. Thanks!
Ok, I have a 1mg/ml batch of arimidex solution in 190 proof. I am wanting to do some anavar. Would or could I dilute the arimidex down with some more 190 and put in with it the arimidex so I could get in the daily split dose of anavar and also still get my 1mg/day of arimidex, or would I do better to make the anavar alone. What would be the best route here, and any recipe help would really help. Thanks!
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