arimidex ED for Test only cycle?


New member
Hey guys just curious would you stay .5mg EOD suffice for a sayyyy 500mg per week of test 12 week cycle? or would you suggest .5 ED

This is just a question, Dont flame about PCT etc as this is Juuust a question lol
injections should be 3.5 days apart..

so idealy it would be monday morning and thursday night..

and .5 eod should be enough.. but its individualistic..

what are your stats??
training history

whats your diet going to look like for this cycle?? what are your goals for this cycle??
Thanks 3J this was purely curiosity But im 25 5 foot 11 , 200 lbs 9-10% BF

i just see some guys saying on test only u should wait for sides to start Dex and some say EOD and some say ED so was just curious thanks
Thanks 3J this was purely curiosity But im 25 5 foot 11 , 200 lbs 9-10% BF

i just see some guys saying on test only u should wait for sides to start Dex and some say EOD and some say ED so was just curious thanks

its an outdated philosophy.. you should prevent instead of doing damage control once the issue shows