Arimidex or not??


New member
Im doing a deca cycle 400mg. I think im holding a little water. I have l liquid dex. But im afraid using it will inhibit gains???? And if it doesnt inhibit gains, how much should I use?
To be honest... on a 400mg deca cycle... I wouldn't be too worried about anti-e's. If you were going to take some arimidex... I wouldn't take more than the equivalent of .25mg eod... if that...

Citruscide said:
To be honest... on a 400mg deca cycle... I wouldn't be too worried about anti-e's. If you were going to take some arimidex... I wouldn't take more than the equivalent of .25mg eod... if that...


I don't necessisarily agree with that. Everyone is different....take me for example, I'm on 440 mg Test Enan/week and I need .5 mg arimidex ED to keep my bp from going too high.

That being said, I do agree to start low like you suggested, he can always up it if you feel the need.