Arimidex Viagra interactions?


New member
Hello Everyone,

I am four months into Dr. prescribed trt and feeling a lot better in many areas in my life. However, I am still not all the way there. I was wondering if it is O.K. to take arimidex and viagra at the same time or if there are any interactions between the two. Thank you. I am currently taking :
Test Cyp 200 mg
1 mg arimidex 2x per week
Viagra when needed
No interactions exist but cialis is a preferred medication bc of its half life which can positively affect health markers better than Viagra.
Hey Newtrt, just wondering, what's your age? I'm 25 and having minor ED issues, wondering if I should try Viagra/Cialis.
I am 34 years old - Cialis worked ok for a little while but not as well as viagra. Viagra seems to be a bit stronger for me and for some reason gives me less sides. However, many others I have read prefer the opposite. It seems that it is all doctor or patient preference.
I to like Viagra but don't like to plan for sex so I have been taking Cialis 10mg a day I got from online I have been doing this for about a month now and really am happy with the dose.
I'm 45. Cialis saved my life! No lie. 5 mg per day (might up it to 10 for the other benefits).
I'm at the ready like I was 18 again. Literally life changing for me.