Wartime100 said:I think letrozole(ferma) is the best anti estrogen. It is stronger than arimdex but not overkill like aromasin. Complete estrogen surpression isn't good either.
Here are my thoughts....
From studies that show 85-90% anti-aromatation, and compared to fem and ari's of ~50%...then adding in my own experience I conclude the following:
25mg ARomasin = 2mg ARi = ~5mg Fem
Also, because of Aromasins permanent effects via suicidal inhibition, EOD or possibly E3D dosing is possible, as the effects last 2-3 days even after the removal of the drug.
Aromsain also seems to be the easiest on the Cholesterol levels, but someone once said other wise. I have only read positive things about it though, and I know my cholesterol was able to be maintained in an acceptable range while using it. I did however also use Nolva and eat right with lots of monosaturated fats.
Now look at cost factor. Ari is around $2, Arom is around $3.50
You save $.50 right there.
As far as complete estrogen suppresion, I for one dont think its every possible for complete. Furthor more be smart with your dosing. I suggest the following
<500 Test 25mg E3d
<750 Test 25mg EOD
<100mg Test 25mg ED
Thast just from my experience. Adjust as nessicary.
PS..I swear I dont own stock in Aromasinlol
Here are my thoughts....
From studies that show 85-90% anti-aromatation, and compared to fem and ari's of ~50%...then adding in my own experience I conclude the following:
25mg ARomasin = 2mg ARi = ~5mg Fem
Also, because of Aromasins permanent effects via suicidal inhibition, EOD or possibly E3D dosing is possible, as the effects last 2-3 days even after the removal of the drug.
Aromsain also seems to be the easiest on the Cholesterol levels, but someone once said other wise. I have only read positive things about it though, and I know my cholesterol was able to be maintained in an acceptable range while using it. I did however also use Nolva and eat right with lots of monosaturated fats.
Now look at cost factor. Ari is around $2, Arom is around $3.50
You save $.50 right there.
As far as complete estrogen suppresion, I for one dont think its every possible for complete. Furthor more be smart with your dosing. I suggest the following
<500 Test 25mg E3d
<750 Test 25mg EOD
<100mg Test 25mg ED
Thast just from my experience. Adjust as nessicary.
PS..I swear I dont own stock in Aromasinlol