Asking for opinions/help on my cycle.


New member
Stats 6'3 220lbs 10%bf 28years old
Been lifting for 5 years now and decided to take the leap into the anabolic world.

So here's my cycle I'm planning to do, any help appreciated.

Weeks 1-12 500mg test e/week
Weeks 1-6. 25mg - 50mg dbol/ED
Weeks 8-14. 50mg winny/ED

Weeks 1-14 .25mg - .5mg adex/ EOD


In the past I have done a anavar only cycle for leaning out and retaining my muscle while cutting...went pretty well if your gonna ask.
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So you became a year younger. Grew an inch taller. Gained 5 pounds and somehow stayed at the same body fat %?