Juice Authority
There is no doubt in my mind that aspirating is important when you're injecting in your quads, shoulder, bi's or tri's but what about the gluts?
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It's a pin in theass (get it???) but you gotta do it bro!Juice Authority said:There is no doubt in my mind that aspirating is important when you're injecting in your quads, shoulder, bi's or tri's but what the gluts?
DRveejay11 said:It's a pin in theass (get it???) but you gotta do it bro!
Here's an alternative StoneCold turned me on to (as another option):
(last one one at the bottom of the page)
Juice Authority said:All these various threads on the importance of aspirating have gotten me paranoid. It's hard enough to self-inject in your ass let alone try to aspirate too! I guess it's better to be safe than sorry. I'll see if my wife will do the deed for me.